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Unseen replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 8 hours ago
This guy destroys the lefty lies about Israel. <iframe title=”Pro-Palestinians Can’t Debunk this Israeli Video…” src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/R-x-cRReI1A?feature=oembed” width=”670″ height=”377″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>
Yesterday, you agreed with me, I thought, that the question of whether the P…
jakelafort replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 11 hours ago
Interesting times.
Crystal balls needed for future of USA and Gaza.
If poll is to be believed or even if it is in the ballpark then arrangements should be made to help those who want to escape that horrid environment in Gaza. Gazans are Sunni. So all of the Shia dominant countries probably won’t want them. So Iraq and Iran are out. Moderate…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 19 hours ago
Just wondering how tangerine Idi Amin’s Gaza takeover plan is supposed to work. He said they have to give up the hostages by Saturday 12 noon or it’s gonna be hell. Already is, but OK. Oh, and BTW we are still gonna take over Gaza no matter what. You all just need to walk to Jordan or Egypt or something.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 4 days, 1 hour ago
“There are no magical solutions that can simply dissolve the conflict. The audacity of presenting such a solution — one that echoes terms like transfer, ethnic cleansing and other war crimes — is an insult to both Palestinians and Israelis.”
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic So, besides voting (it's too late), What can we do? in the forum Politics 4 days, 3 hours ago
I have no problem with reforming systems that have huge budgets but the approach being taken by MAGA has nothing to do with Republican conservatism. Even the Heritage Foundation must be confused as “true conservatives” are OK with change as long as it is managed.
What is undone in a few weeks by MAGA will take a lot longer to repair and recover from.
jakelafort replied to the topic So, besides voting (it's too late), What can we do? in the forum Politics 4 days, 3 hours ago
It feels like the USA is on the brink. If our institutions do not withstand the onslaught it is johny ball game. It made me think of prospect of a return to democracy if USA becomes an oligarchy or dictatorship or the like. France came to mind but the AI cited quite a few examples.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic So, besides voting (it's too late), What can we do? in the forum Politics 4 days, 4 hours ago
A few months ago, some friends of mine moved to Arizona on a one-year contract with a multinational company. They work in a very specialized sector and are very well qualified and experienced. Their two children are in middle school and adapted quickly to the new system.
Yesterday, the parents of all the pupils got an email from the school…[Read more]
jakelafort replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 4 days, 5 hours ago
This guy destroys the lefty lies about Israel.
jakelafort replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 4 days, 5 hours ago
Zionist entity is sciency. For lefty’s the right to self determination of Jews is denied. Beyond that, some particularly racist lefty’s ask what value does Israel give to the world. Having same rights as other groups is not enough since higher standards and double standards apply to the Jews. Having right to defend each other when they were nearly…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic
Sunday School February 2nd 2025 in the forum Sunday School 4 days, 7 hours ago
Apparently, you seem to think they can be victorious and should keep terrorizing, taking hostages and shooting shitty Iranian rockets at civilians.
What would we do if we found ourselves in their place?
Kick out the Iranian Mullahs, release all hostages, call for international aid and a strong UN peacekeeping force…[Read more]
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