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jakelafort replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 1 day, 20 hours ago
Tumble tumble
Little world
How our
Matter and energy
Did those rocks
imbue your sense
or is free will
for the dumb
and dense? -
_Robert_ replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 1 day, 20 hours ago
Presumably it requires the ability to consciously deliberate between different behavioural options.
Or maybe we are merely consciously informed of the decision we believe we made, since the brain is just matter and energy, like pile of rocks tumbling down a hillside. One rock bounced left, the other to the right. Did you see that?
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 2 days, 8 hours ago
Evolution for instance.
The claim of evolution requires proof. However, we already have a wealth of supporting evidence for it, including predictive power.
At what point does free will appear? Is it with chimps and gorillas also? Whales?
I’d say it depends on cognitve power, intelligence and flexibility. So, humans have a l…[Read more]
RichRaelian posted an update 2 days, 15 hours ago
Hi! Just making my rounds to be sure.
jakelafort replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 2 days, 19 hours ago
Simon it is nothing but carping but not all claims have a burden. Evolution for instance. And in legal parlance there are matters that the court will take judicial notice meaning no evidence necessary. But yea we agree for all intents there.
I’d use the word influence too if i wanted to rationalize free will. Read the book if you dear. And…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 5 hours ago
Simon, the starting point for free will, god, or any popular belief puts the burden of proof on the proponent. So if Sapolsky refutes all of the arguments he has won the day.
I’d say that whoever is making a claim, has a burden of proof to prove or demonstrate the truth of that claim. However, you can’t prove a negative, so…[Read more]
jakelafort replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 10 hours ago
Simon, the starting point for free will, god, or any popular belief puts the burden of proof on the proponent. So if Sapolsky refutes all of the arguments he has won the day.
If i had to give a synopsis of his argument against free will it is that decisions feel free but are actually the result of causes over which we have zero control. He…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 17 hours ago
His book Determined dispatches every free will argument ever made.
I still haven’t heard any argument in favour of the non-existence of free will apart from “if free will exists, we can’t work it out” – the argument from ignorance.
jakelafort replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 22 hours ago
Robert writes:
It’s almost like some people, like autists have less “free will” due to biological/chemical reasons. A limited set of responses when compared to a plot of typical responses. Unless it’s actually damage to their “free-wheeling, spiritual souls” or something, LOL.
Took the words right out of Sapolsky’ mouth. His book Determined…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic Sunday School 8th December 2024 in the forum Sunday School 3 days, 23 hours ago
Looking at the recent murder of an Insurance CEO and the attempts on Trump, it seems that anti-right wing, anti-Trump, anti-conservative young white males know how to buy a gun and pull a trigger. Christian Nationals and Corporate/MAGA officials live in a physically more dangerous world now. Perhaps the proposed “draining of the swamp” cuts to…[Read more]
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