Another Theater Opens in the War of Dar Al-Islam (Them) Vs. Dar Al-Harb (Us)

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TheEncogitationer 10 months ago.

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  • #53396


    @ Enco

    Bee Wary: Why You Should Never Jump Into Water to Avoid a Bee Attack

    So, you’re saying the best way to prevent an attack is a preemptive strike. Well, out the window goes the ethical cover of “We won’t start a war with a first strike.”

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by  Unseen.



    Hmmm….I stand corrected on the water solution, but the smoker as well as beekeeper suits do definitely work. My Sister has a hive and always uses these devices for protection, with success.

    And the moment someone threatens my very existence and has made numerous multiple attempts on my existence, that counts as the first strike, so destroying their capacity to attack is completely ethical high ground, not to mention a favor to the neighbors.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Agreement of tense


    Unseen, Hmmm….I stand corrected on the water solution, but the smoker as well as beekeeper suits do definitely work. My Sister has a hive and always uses these devices for protection, with success. And the moment someone threatens my very existence and has made numerous multiple attempts on my existence, that counts as the first strike, so destroying their capacity to attack is completely ethical high ground, not to mention a favor to the neighbors.

    Good luck using that reasoning in court when you repaint their house because the dayglo green is lowering the value of your own home.




    No one has a “right” to property values on their real estate that hinge on the efforts of other human beings and treating non-commercial real estate as an investment is a sucker’s bet.

    Individuals and non-aggressor nations, however, do have an independent right to exist and have life and a corellary right to defend that life, and if a threat to life is imminent, they each have a right to counteract it.



    Throw the stick over the fence.

    My love for Islam is intense.

    Freedom of religion.

    Are you dense?

    The babies are free to choose. Resultant horrors in the news. Ya know who to blame?





    Funny, I didn’t know Muslims could do free-form poetry slams.

    I have always seconded your motion about the United Nations and it was one of the few points where I always parted ways with all versions of The Humanist Manifesto. Not until a vast majority of mankind values Secularism and Political and Economic Freedom would such an organization be even coherent. And if all of mankind held such values, would such an organization even be necessary?

    As it stands now, the United Nations is a big hootenanny where the most tyrannical, warlike, and barbaric nations get together in blocs to trash the better nations, all at our expense in the U.S.

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