College presidents are resigning or being shit-canned over this
This topic contains 66 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by TheEncogitationer 9 months, 3 weeks ago.
December 13, 2023 at 12:54 pm #51796
I find it such bullshit how people call themselves feminists and say care about women and then profess how Islam is just like any other system. Why lie? Because the people are brown and poor? That is racism. Honor killings, genital mutilation, polygamy, pedophilia and selling young girls into marriage, wrapping females in bags and treating them like property or livestock is just fine with you, eh? It is sickening.
Millions of Iranian women suffocating under the boots of these 7th century assholes reading from a warlord’s handbook. Can’t even be in the same room as men or the temptation is just too much for them. Then let’s complain about Western patriarchy. Hitch nailed it.
December 13, 2023 at 2:44 pm #51797Wouldn’t be great if the USA became a nation of Islam. Hey, no more female university presidents to worry about. In fact, no internet forums either. The local Sharia magistrate will be watching you to make sure you don’t miss morning prayers as the megaphones blast out with cultural diversity. The great divide between Republicans and Democrats is over. Just one big happy party now. All the Jews, atheists, gays, trans and infidels have been rounded up to decide their fate. Doesn’t like a great future for them unless they agree to be reeducated and adopt Islam. 95% percent of all infidel books, movies and music will be destroyed. All you need is in Koran and example of Mohammed, peace be upon him. Well, no need for Macy’s dept store, we have the hijab store. Be careful when you swim at the beach ladies. The US immigration problem has been solved. We are building tunnels to defend against Canada and Mexico, have supplied Iran with nukes and are preparing our big move against Israel. We are calling for Jihad and American youths are expected to wear the suicide vest, peace be upon Him.
December 13, 2023 at 2:52 pm #51798Addressed to Enco but i will jump in and do it with feigned impunity.
People of death? Bad or good title? BAD. (Illustrates how racist it is to endorse people of color) It is directed at a group, a very large group at that. Blanket condemnation of an enormous group is not good. Money scroungers? Well it shares with people of death the notion that all of the individuals within the group are x. Davis, you moved from money scrounger to money scrubber. Rub a dub dub, two Jews in a tub, scrounging and scrubbing their benjamins rubbing.
With all due respect for your brave sojourns as an infidel into the islamic world and statistics that may or may not be probative of the relative strengths and weaknesses of Islamic v others we need to examine the nature of Islam. So what do we mean when we say Islam is a death cult. It is a death cult because it posits the temporary blip of humans into existence in this illusory state and the permanence of life after death. Further it instills an awe and yearning in its subjects for the paradise that awaits. One can attain paradise following its strictures or expedite matters by becoming martyrs. When one is indoctrinated into the cult of Islam, hard core Islam, it results in acceptance of subpar and unfulfilling lives. Death is the shit. This is just some temporary pain that we Muslims endure stoically KNOWING what a phantasmagoria of orgasmic euphoria awaits. I have observed this sentiment numerous times in Muslims on social media. Wait, did i just do the same thing you did? There are scriptural and behavioral aspects of Islam that are also worthy of title death cult-the way one dispatches of apostates, infidels, gays. Some of the same attaches to Christianity. It is the apotheosis of paradise and impermanence of life and the resultant acceptance of a shit life that makes the title death cult apropos. When its members BELIEVE with all their heart in that sentiment it makes martrydom and the taking of infidel lives not only justified but a great service. None of the above is to say ALL Muslims are blank. It is to say that their cult is blank.
Likening islamophobia to antisemitism? Is it fair to equate the one with the other. No need to define antisemitism. It has been around long time. It has many proponents & iterations and in some liberal quarters it is derigueur. In fact if you are not an antisemite you are not part of the in-crowd. I just googled gay parade antisemitism. Titles follow: Chicago gay pride parade expels Star of David flags, The D.C. Dyke March barred the Jewish pride flag, Opinion | I’m Glad the Dyke March Banned Jewish Stars. Just to identify a few..I know you know how Jews are excluded and shunned and it is racism on display. Happens big time with feminists also. It has zero to do with Israel which is only a pretext for antisemitism. Were it otherwise nearly every other flag of Islamic nations and individuals who live in those societies would receive similar treatment at progressive gatherings.
This is my understanding of Islamophobia. “At the end of the 1970s, Iranian fundamentalists invented the term “Islamophobia” formed in analogy to “xenophobia”. The aim of this word was to declare Islam inviolate. Whoever crosses this border is deemed a racist. This term, which is worthy of totalitarian propaganda, is deliberately unspecific about whether it refers to a religion, a belief system or its faithful adherents around the world.” If that was the objective it is mission accomplished. Falling for that nonsense is pathetic. Christianity is criticized upside down and left side right ad nauseum. Nobody ever says RACIST! when ya shit on Christianity.
We must be able to criticize Israel without being accused of being anti-semites. But we can never criticize Islam because it is bigotry against people. Yeah lets make ideas inviolate. How is that working for progressives? Islamophobia ought to be a word and concept that is abjured, renounced and spat on. Having Muslims issue death to so and so for cartoons or books that are critical of Islam is unacceptable. If you want to enable dictatorships you go along with that BS. Christianity used to burn heretics. Secular dictatorships, theocracies too, that is what they do. This is not complicated. External and internal dialogue aint gonna happen until the light of day is focused on Islam. And it is not just how incompatible Islam is to modernity. It is the lives of the poor people born into that piece of dogshit cult who suffer. Fight against the cause of the anti-humanist monster! Don’t fucking enable it.
December 13, 2023 at 4:51 pm #51799Unseen,
India and Pakistan’s disputes are not threatening world peace. Not even India’s and China’s border dispute seems to be threatening that right now.
Pakistan and India’s disputes are yet another theater in the larger Global Jihad between Dar Al Islam (“The House of Islam”) and Dar Al Harb (“The House of War”, which is the rest of Humanity.)
And Sino-Indian disputes are yet another theater in Emperor Xi’s machinations versus the rest of the world.
Keeping what’s left of freedom in the world requires situational awareness of things like this. We ignore all this at our peril.
December 13, 2023 at 5:44 pm #51800Jake,
Addressed to Enco but i will jump in and do it with feigned impunity.
People of death? Bad or good title? BAD. (Illustrates how racist it is to endorse people of color) It is directed at a group, a very large group at that. Blanket condemnation of an enormous group is not good. Money scroungers? Well it shares with people of death the notion that all of the individuals within the group are x. Davis, you moved from money scrounger to money scrubber. Rub a dub dub, two Jews in a tub, scrounging and scrubbing their benjamins rubbing.
I am not, of course, calling anyone “people of death.”
I’m talkin’ ’bout what Davis is talkin’ ’bout. Can ya dig it? 😎
And any rational economic animal with limited means–such as myself–doesn’t see a thing wrong with scrounging money. 💲💰💱💳💸💹🪙💛🤑
Other than these caveats, I have no dispute with what you’re saying at all.
The focus of our anger should always be bad ideas and practices and their motherlode, not the innocent people caught up in it by happenstance.
December 13, 2023 at 5:54 pm #51801There is endless calumniating of Jews Enco. I am not even familiar with money scrounger.
December 13, 2023 at 6:03 pm #51802Jake,
Davis mentioned money-scrounging as one of many anti-Jewish tropes. I’m saying that in of itself, money-scrounging is not a bad thing, though not at the expense of investing it in capital and labor to make it grow in returns.
December 13, 2023 at 6:06 pm #51803I remember a client told me before i negotiated on his behalf, “don’t let him Jew ya down.”
The tighter your finances the more prudent it is to scrounge. Come on down to the Scrounge Lounge. Dollar beers and fun time happy hours with peanuts and popcorn gratis.
December 13, 2023 at 6:27 pm #51804Robert,
One thing that gets me about this whole story is that these Ivy League Universities have disciplined, sanctioned, and expelled students, staff, and Professors for saying things that don’t even rise anywhere near to the level of advocating genocide.
Yet these University Presidents don’t have either the stoneage or the ovary-age to say that advocating genocide is against the values of a university in a civilized Western society.
The only “free expression” they support is expression they personally like and the only “hate speech” they are against is speech that they personally hate.
Save your tuition money, folks. There are better ways of learning than this.
- This reply was modified 10 months ago by TheEncogitationer. Reason: Correcting a typo
December 13, 2023 at 6:41 pm #51806Davis,
I just said what you said about using the term “people of death”–in far fewer words, I might add–and yet you just said I was wrong. WTF???
And you said both of these at the same time and almost in the same breath:
You all need to get a grip and check your Islamophobia. It is outrageously hypocritical to, on the one hand rightfully condemn anti-semitism, while on the other hand made utterly vile stomach turning Islamophobic comments (or dismiss them as not bigoted). It is and I am disappointed and sorry you don’t see it. It just shows how much progress we have to make.
And right behind that:
Just as you should be able to express concern with Israeli policies without being labelled anti-semitic, you should be able to express serious concern about Islam without being labelled Islamophobic.
You’re doing the labelling here. So which is it, Davis? Again, WTF??? 🤔
December 13, 2023 at 7:30 pm #51807Enco i would say it is criticize the state of Israel as a pretext and justification for Jew hatred. (Ignore all of the oppression everywhere else particularly from Muslims or Muslim on Muslim oppression) Then pretend it is not about antisemitism. The reactions all over the world even in the immediate wake of being attacked before fighting back prove that the progressive bullshit narratives about Israel worked as i have indicated.
Rail against comments critical of Islam while pretending it is about the people who are adherents of Islam.
December 13, 2023 at 7:38 pm #51808Think about it.
What chance is there that Islam will ever be reformed as long as it is mollycoddled and protected against criticism?
Will it offend the majority of Muslims to have their beliefs on trial? I am sure. Too bad. All of the oppressed Muslims who risk life and limb to speak out against their particular Islamic based discrimination will never ameliorate their lives and circumstances until there is a reformation. And the enforcers of Islamic oppression are not exactly shy about exacting obedience and meting punishment. So turnabout is a bitch.
And why should the west pretend that Jihad is a result of some western or jewish provocation? Jihad is an omnipresent danger more to other Muslims but to all of us.
December 13, 2023 at 11:46 pm #51809Jake,
I remember a client told me before i negotiated on his behalf, “don’t let him Jew ya down.”
Everybody bargains, whether they are Jewish or Gentile, whether they acknowledge it or not.
When you leave a product on the shelf until it goes out-of-season or goes on closeout or clearance, that is bargaining.
When you buy in bulk to save on the price per unit or buy multiple services as part of a bundle or package-deal, that is bargaining.
When you buy a product used or from a salvage/bent-and-dent store or from a thrift store, that is bargaining.
When you use an Internet search engine to find which business offers the same product or service for the lowest price, that is bargaining.
And every decision to buy one product or service over another is bargaining with yourself over the benefits and drawbacks of the purchase. As Thomas Sowell always says, ‘Life is trade-offs.”
The tighter your finances the more prudent it is to scrounge. Come on down to the Scrounge Lounge. Dollar beers and fun time happy hours with peanuts and popcorn gratis.
I’ll just have the free soda water instead of the Dollar Beer to go with the free munchies. (The Dollar Beers are probably Millwaukee’s Best Horse Piss.
Yeech!) And as long as I have a good enough view, I’ll even pass on the strippers’ G-strings.If that makes me Jewish, then I say “L’Chaim Yahud!” And “Shabbot Shalom!” to Jew-Haters everywhere! 🍿🧋✡️ 🕎 😁
December 14, 2023 at 12:06 am #51810Jake,
I noticed something early on in the present Gaza-Israeli War:
Almost everybody was pleading and hand-wringing and screaming at Israel to “Cease-Fire! Cease-Fire!”…all the while Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad was calling for endless, bottomless, all-you-can-eat, multiple October 7ths against Israel.
Hamas Official Threatens Repeat of Oct. 7 Massacre ‘Again and Again … Until Israel Is Annihilated’
Story by Dan Gooding • 1moWith a mindset like that, there is no negotiation possible.
The innocent deaths that have resulted on all sides of this war have their root in this mindset and the practices of Hamas that put Arab, Muslim civilians in harm’s way to senselessly slaughter Jewish civilians.
December 14, 2023 at 12:15 am #51811Enco it has been the same shit since the beginning of Israel. There is a maniacal religious/cultural kill the Jews and get the holy land where it rightfully belongs. Would somebody tell em the age of the crusades has passed?
In the case of Israel i think the historical precedent so often cited of Chamberlain and Hitler is applicable. Any sign of weakness will only encourage further attacks. On the other hand i was almost certain that Hamas would be celebrated by Palestinians even though it means the death of so many Palestinians. No embracing life. Just continue in the self destructive course. So it is damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. I wish the government of Israel had not permitted settlers but in the end i don’t think anything matters in terms of encouraging peace. Islam is the bottom line monkey wrench.
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