Do you know RFK jr.'s actual view on vaccines? Probably not.

Homepage Forums Science Do you know RFK jr.'s actual view on vaccines? Probably not.

This topic contains 28 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 6 months ago.

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    There is an active movement afoot to keep as many people as possible from even knowing that RFK Jr. is a Democrat candidate for President. CNN, for example, has given Town Halls to Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and there will be more as more candidates emerge, though they are all likely to be Republicans. Why? Because CNN, like all mainstream media, is all-in on making sure Biden runs for the nomination unopposed.

    The reason given for RFK Jr. is that he’s “dangerous.” And they mean dangerous on vaccines. He’s portrayed as being the enemy of all vaccinations.

    Well, like most things, it’s hardly that simple. Before you criticize RFK Jr., at least hear his reasoning:




    This non-scientist, non-doctor, non-epidemiologist says vaccines caused HIV and the Spanish Flu. Imagine listening to that former heroin addict talk his shaky gibberish for 4-years. Trying to exonerate yet another found-guilty Kennedy of the murder of Martha Moxley. The murderer was bragging about getting away with it and the court found the evidence to be “overwhelming”. Perhaps RFK Jr will travel to Africa and get Ebola. Maybe he’ll figure something out before he hemorrhages to death. Enough with “celebrity” half-wits for president.




    Did you watch the interview? Not Pakman’s, the one in the top post. I think he makes some great points.


    When it comes to vaccinations RFK  has been a member of the ‘Conspiracy of Dunces’ for over 20 years and he has little to no ability to grasp any form of error correction. Read me.



    @robert Did you watch the interview? Not Pakman’s, the one in the top post. I think he makes some great points.

    Yeah, and his so-called “good points” are all garbage that could have all been addressed by a real scientist or two. Instead he assembles an echo chamber of freaks. Here is what happened to thousands of people who bought into his bullshite:

    One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.”

    So how are these people not criminally held responsible for causing thousands and thousands of deaths? The US C19 toll is at 1.1M dead. Forgotten so fast.



    Typical numbers late in the pandemic: 9.29 unvaccinated vs 0.55 boosted per 100K death rate for the elderly. Sixteen times more likely to die. So yes, the million dead (mostly older folks) could have been 16 million. See how that works? imagine the emergency rooms then? That’s right, think about that, because RFK jr for president is incapable of that.

    What a shame some Americans think science is done on Facebook or Youtube.  The Republicans are even more of an anti-science party. They say vaccines aren’t safe but are they increasing funding for even more testing? Of course not.




    It was mainly the elderly and people with compromised immune systems who died of Covid, and it turned out that not only didn’t vaccination save many lives among the rest of the population, but it didn’t prevent one from becoming reinfected or becoming an asymptomatic carrier, did it? Contrary to what the drug manufacturers and the CDC were saying, natural immunity turned out to be a “thing” after all. So, maybe all the lockdowns and the firings and the school closures and the rest of the damage was unnecessary.



    BTW, I’m willing to entertain the idea that RFK Jr. is a bit of a nut case on vaccines, BUT I think media deciding to pretend he doesn’t exist or deciding to actively block his candidacy is a cure worse than the disease. Their duty to  inform does not include the duty to deplatform a candidate.


    Plenty of RFK’s potential voters will die from COVID before the election and many of them will be under 50. Hopefully the numbers will keep going down. There were 2,008 new cases yesterday with 8 new deaths.



    The reason given for RFK Jr. is that he’s “dangerous.” And they mean dangerous on vaccines. He’s portrayed as being the enemy of all vaccinations.

    He’s also “portrayed” as a hero by a shit ton of idiots.

    This, from actual biological disease experts in their fields, without a clickbait or political agenda, except to push back against  rampant, practically murderous misinformation.

    […] it turned out that not only didn’t vaccination save many lives among the rest of the population, but it didn’t prevent one from becoming reinfected or becoming an asymptomatic carrier, did it? Contrary to what the drug manufacturers and the CDC were saying, natural immunity turned out to be a “thing” after all.

    It’s been known for decades that vaccines save hospitalizations and lives, while many do not prevent re-infection. Almost everyone except for the medically clueless knew that natural immunity was a “thing”… except when even natural immunity can’t bring back the dead who didn’t get vaccinated.

    Granted, CDC and other otherwise competent experts and authorities failed to communicate successfully to the public, while they also failed to predict Trump’s power to sabotage trust in any institution that could actually work to save lives. This is how autocrats and even today’s classical politicians covet perpetual power. It looks to me like they’re even able to blind you to any useful solutions, while focusing on outrage and finger-pointing addictions.

    Equal time for JFK? Right. How about equal time for Q-Anon, unregulated citizen militias, Jan 6 advocates, voting right restrictions, the benefits of gerrymandering, corporate and other big money in politics, God-loving and partisan SCOTUS instead of an independent third branch, an so on?

    Fighting to platform JFK is as pro-woke as any toxic, progressive movement.




    I meant to point out that being asymptomatic makes it less likely that the “carrier” is infectious, especially when the main vector is respiratory in nature. I.e. it is generally less communicable. Coincidentally, several minutes into the video link I present below, they get into a study about newly discovered immunological mechanics wrt asymptomatic carriers of covid-19.

    Would you be willing to listen to just 5 minutes of this kind of biological, scientific discussion? I’m also thinking that JFK, as a lawyer, would just fall asleep if he tried. Also note the guest on this video podcast in the lower right of the screen is a writer, not even with Oxford training. But he’s brilliant and always has very relevant contributions to the topic being discussed. The big problem is that it can take a lot of listening time to determine for oneself how competent someone is in a scientific discipline. Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been listening to these people for years.

    Just try 5 or 10 minutes and tell me if you get any idea or feeling how competent they are on their topic.



    Interesting question. Unless you’re one of the “If it saved one life” people, were the lockdowns and restrictions on association worth it, given the damage to the economy and the devastating effects on the pre-collegiate educational system, was it worth it?

    This is a country of around 338+ million people and any policy however seemingly inane is almost certain to kill people. The impact fell mostly on the smaller businesses and their workers and on schoolchildren deprived of a proper and effective education and the socialization that comes with attending school. Covid was primarily not a disease killing children, even when they contracted it.

    It was worse for the racial minorities, the poor, and the most vulnerable among us, making the rich richer and more powerful while having the opposite effect on the lowest rungs of society.

    Beyond that, we have the new poor who had an income until the lockdowns destroyed their jobs by destroying their employers. While no sector was spared, we’re talking about marginal workers in the restaurant and hospitality industries.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Unseen.


    What’s the use? Your and my interaction here looks like we’re just talking at a brick wall between us. And the brick wall is a display with YouTube running on it.

    But I’ll to try to answer your last question to me. I’m fully aware of the costs of the lockdowns. I think they failed because of too many Americans, especially Trumpians and Libertarians believing their right to not comply with (imo) reasonable countermeasures even if it’s for the good of each other, and because of not understanding basic epidemiology. To this day, I’m hearing “masks don’t work”. While an unusually geeky person like myself understands that slowing or eliminating disease spread is not a matter of having 100% compliance and well-fitting masks, but there are gray areas in between where even with just partial compliance hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved.

    There had to be high costs no matter what we did, short of actually learning some basic epidemiology.

    I seal my masks easily, with 3M foam strips that are sold as “glasses defoggers”. When I breath in, my masks gain suction and actually collapse toward my face… while 95% of masks I see people wearing don’t collapse at all, as air freely moves in and out via the air gap at the bridge of the nose, and via the loose-fitting sides below the cheek bones. Sticking that foam strip on is simple as hell, and it’s not even visible, so there’s no reason to feel like you’ll be made fun of by your efforts. While people are so much more concerned by how they look or what side of the political divide they look like they belong to, than how they can actually help save thousands or hundreds of thousands of American lives. Wow, personal vanity, political affiliation, and theoretical principles of libertarianism.

    To be clear, I’m not saying masks fully work. Even though I never caught a damn thing in three years while wearing a mask, except for one contact-vector virus I got when being careless with my hands. The number of respiratory infections and hospitalizations around the world decreased significantly during the pandemic, so SOMETHING worked to make that possible, right? Do we ever talk about THAT in our conversations?

    I’ll repeat, because I’ve not gotten responses when saying before: I took air quality (AQ) seriously, starting back in 2017 when smoke from fires became a seasonal hazard. I built a simple HEPA filter device from a milk jug, HEPA vacuum cleaner filter, CPAP hose, connected to a full faced scuba mask, after modifying how the air valve operated so I could breathe in via the filter and out via the air valves built into the mask. Geeky as hell, right? On a day of high smoke, my AQ meter read a very unhealthy 200 at PM2.5 particle size, while it read zero inside my milk jug with HEPA filtered air. On another day, with most of the city evacuated due to high smoke, I donned that DIY breather, walked a mile downtown, went up to the top floor of a parking garage, and looked out over blocks of smoky city with NO traffic on the streets and NO one walking on the sidewalks. In a city of 1/4 million population.

    MY masks work, and I know what the fuck I’m talking about. While I’ve never met anyone who knew that foam strips exist that can seal N95 masks well enough to collapse when breathing in. (Yeah, I know I’m a freakish outlier on the bell curve of human beings in a scientifically and politically dysfunctional country.)

    Can you please try to make this two-way with me, too? I only asked you for 5 to 10 minutes of watch time on a video, and your opinion on how you might judge the reliability of the presenters’ expertise, and all I got was another avoidance and repetition of past points.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  PopeBeanie. Reason: fixed some stupid typos, hours later


    @ PopeBeanie

    I did watch the video and, yes, it seems RFK Jr is largely wrong, but the question is whether the cure is worse than the disease. We have a government that doesn’t trust the people with freedom of speech and so censors what it can censor directly and pressures social media to censor much of the rest.

    Is this your understanding of how free speech in America is supposed to work?

    Ever heard the expression, “When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you?” That’s “free speech” in dictatorships like Russia and China.



    The number of infections is on the rise again as “summer covid” cases are being diagnosed around the world. It will be interesting to see how people react this time. Will they mask up or get a vaccine or a booster? Will they all attend RFK rallies without masks? I sometimes wear a mask if I have to shop in a busy store. Recently some guy started to verbal abuse me for doing so. I removed my mask long enough to tell him to FUCK OFF.  He did. A group of morons told me “that was unnecessary” so I told them to “fuck off even faster”. I am not going to tolerate any of them this time around.

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