Everything you know about Covid is wrong

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This topic contains 86 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 6 months ago.

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  • #47252


    Do you have any opinion on transmission of covid outside?

    I believe there have been super-spreader events in outdoor crowds. I’ve noticed there are days when there’s no breeze at all, so I’m sure the risk is higher than without a breeze. I’m not pushing those opinions on anyone. In any case, outcomes are rarely definable as “all or nothing” scenarios, but by probabilities that we usually don’t have enough data to determine. I wear a mask while in a crowd, even outdoors, but I’m a weirdo who doesn’t care much about cultural styles or other peer pressure,

    Good for you. Plus, we don’t expect life “ever after”, do we? This is it. One dumb mistake and it’s all over for good. Lots of people died or killed others on really stupid hills. But most of them are “in the arms of Jesus”, LOL.

    Fortunately, the C19 family of bugs are less deadly now (even if more transmissible) and most folks have been exposed one way or another. The endemic stage will still take many lives, however.



    One life to lose.

    Hasten the inevitable. We are immortal.

    As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

    Apropos of nothing i am reading a book. Title is Horse and Buggy Doctor. I recommend it to give some context to just how far we have come. Also lots of amusing anecdotes and description of days of yore.




    Unless I grossly misunderstand the reasons Dr. Campbell has changed his mind (and also apologized for being a mask proponent till now), any difference a mask makes one way or the other would be within the margin for error anyway when it comes to virus-sized bugs, hardly worth the damage they have caused.

    AND  considering the damage, even if they do provide a tiny modicum of extra protection for most people (who, after all, use their masks imperfectly), was it worth the damage in terms of arrested or retarded social development of our children, the rancor and strife between rabid mask proponents and mask Karens, and the business lost to mostly small “mom and pop” businesses?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Unseen.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Unseen.


    Two more experts discussing the Cochrane Library metastudy:

    An epidemiologist speaks:

    This doctor drills down on the Cochrane study at about 6:00:



    Martin Adel Makary is a British-American surgeon, professor, author and medical commentator. He practices surgical oncology and gastrointestinal laparoscopic surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, is Mark Ravitch Chair in Gastrointestinal Surgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and teaches public health policy as Professor of Surgery and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. (Wilkipedia)




    This is too easy. A real doctor finally. Yeah, he’s not the right kind of doctor. A pancreatic cancer specialist. I don’t want my proctologist operating on my eyeball. Do you? But why isn’t he committed to his specialty? Ah..I see, he has that book he is selling about how poor the American health care system is. Oh No. I see he on the Fox news payroll as well. Wonderful.


    Yet he says the CDC did not publish number of child-deaths. That’s strange, Fact check: here is the data right here, published on September 10, 2021 :

    Among 3,116 hospitalized children and adolescents with COVID-19 during March 1, 2020–June 19, 2021, for whom complete clinical data were available, 827 (26.5%) were admitted to an ICU, 190 (6.1%) required IMV, and 21 (0.7%) died. Among 164 hospitalized children and adolescents with COVID-19 during June 20–July 31, 2021, for whom complete clinical data were available,***** 38 (23.2%) were admitted to an ICU, 16 (9.8%) required IMV, and three (1.8%) died.

    During March 1, 2020–August 14, 2021, the cumulative incidence of COVID-19–associated hospitalizations was 49.7 per 100,000 children and adolescents. The weekly COVID-19–associated hospitalization rate per 100,000 children and adolescents during the week ending August 14, 2021 (1.4) was nearly five times the rate during the week ending June 26, 2021 (0.3); among children aged 0–4 years, the weekly hospitalization rate during the week ending August 14, 2021, was nearly 10 times that during the week ending June 26, 2021.** During June 20–July 31, 2021, the hospitalization rate among unvaccinated adolescents (aged 12–17 years) was 10.1 times higher than that among fully vaccinated adolescents.


    I guess he fits in with all the other Fox “News” ass-wipes.

    The vaccine wasn’t even approved for children till late in the game but if I was healthy and under 30, I probably would not get the vaccine unless I was around people at risk. Certainly not the boosters.

    The video didn’t even show the part in the transcript when he says you have to survive the virus to get natural immunity. But even a 5-year old can figure that out.

    Lab leak? Well, it’s possible. Not like we even had labs when the similar common cold RNA viruses first struck early humans. I’d bet they were just as bad as Covid at the time. Would the CCP ever fess up?



    Channels Robert: Fail! Play again.



    Of course, we can review many, many studies that reached conclusions on the mNRA vaccines performed by actual epidemiologists and research specialists in respiratory illnesses from all over the world. But why would we ever wanna do that? Here are just a few of the hundreds of studies available but will never be read by those scumbags capitalizing on misinformation at the expense of so many. Go down to the graveyard and ask 6 million plus corpses about how great natural immunity is.





    The bulk of your post is an ad hominem character assassination. You imply Dr. Makary unqualified to have an opinion on the matter because he’s a gastroenterologist. In fact, he “teaches public health policy as Professor of Surgery and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.”

    That he’s a sometime commentator on Fox is a smear. More ad hominem.

    Furthermore, you imply that he thinks people should get Covid in order to gain natural immunity. The point actually is that people who had survived Covid were pressured and sometimes forced to get an unnecessary vaccination. If he says anywhere that people should get infected in order to get natural immunity, find it and present it.

    The CDC, to give them the benefit of the doubt, may have made public health policy according to the best available information at the time combined with educated guesses. However, they almost never figured in the impact of masking, mandates, shut downs, etc., outside the medical arena, as if that didn’t matter.

    As a result of following the CDC’s advice and guidelines, children’s education took a huge hit as did the many small businesses that folded over the last several years. Additionally, violence increased greatly with no other plausible explanation than how we responded to Covid.

    One wonders if we, as a country, might have been better off had we had a much more open discussion of all of the medical and nonmedical considerations.

    I wonder if you thought Dr. Makary was low-hanging fruit for you because you ignored the preceding two videos.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Unseen.


    His character needs to be assassinated. He asks, ‘do any of you personally know a child that had died?’ What kind epidemiologist would ask that of a panel? Idiotic band-standing.

    He is selling a book, called ‘The Price We Pay-What Broke American Health Care and How To Fix It’. It is anti “Medicare For All”, pro free market. Of course, he goes on Fox. We all know how Fox is looking for the truth and wants to present all the opposing facts, right? So, he has politicized himself, has a monetary motive and uses hindsight to bash the CDC. He is useless to me.

    Do you understand how easy it is to now say we were “overcautious” with our children? It is meaningless and damaging when the next emergency occurs. And of course, we have a huge block of anti-vaxers who resist administering even the standard inoculations to their children now. Great. It is a shame working epidemiologists don’t seem to appear on Fox often as commentators. Hmmm, but that really wouldn’t work at all, would it?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  _Robert_.


    Oh, and BTW, I don’t watch videos of non-experts who are interpreting reports. I read the studies myself. It’s pretty easy to distinguish a well-executed study from crap. Those influencer videos are like listening to a preacher interpret the Bible.




    Excellent example of the tu quoque fallacy. (That’s the one where you say essentially, “Ignore his arguments. He has special interests.”) I recognize you did examine some of his arguments but in the end you seem to be invoking tu quoque.

    So, what about the other two videos on the Cochrane Library metastudy showing masks outside laboratory conditions don’t appreciably provide protection?

    Also, you ignored the fact that the public health policy that was applied failed to consider the broader social ramifications of mandated masking, shut downs, etc. Policies that have adversely affected children’s education, ruined small businesses while big businesses consolidated their power. Also, the rise in crime during the past several years would seem to be related far more to our response to the pandemic than the germ itself.

    Our response was a medical ethics failure.

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