Hello from Northern Denmark

Homepage Forums Introductions Hello from Northern Denmark

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Thomas Paine 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hello I am Lars / tools (prefer tools)
    I am from Denmark and currently resides in Aalborg. I am genuine Atheist nerd šŸ˜€
    I study software engineering and work with Random Linear Network coding.

    Hope this is gonna be awesome successor to ThinkAtheist

    – Tools



    Welcome Lars to new site.



    Hey Tools, welcome aboard!!


    Gallup’s Mirror

    Welcome, Tools.



    Yo, Lars. I’m glad to see other Scandinavians here. My impression is that we are too content with status quo. The fact that Norway even has a Christian Party that holds seats in Parliament is a blight upon our democracy.



    Yo, Lars. Iā€™m glad to see other Scandinavians here. My impression is that we are too content with status quo. The fact that Norway even has a Christian Party that holds seats in Parliament is a blight upon our democracy.

    If I read Wiki right, they have 5.5% of the seats. One of the effects of a proportional representation system is that the outliers can leave the big parties and can manage to do that (and these small parties are hoping no big party gets a majority, so they can get into coalitions and leverage that number). So I’d say it’s not so much a blight on Norway as it is the way it will work out (You have eight parties with seats in the Storting, including one that got less than 1 percent of the vote). Though I’m sure we’d both be happier if the number were less.

    It’s not a blight on democracy, it’s a blight on at least some of the people who voted for them.

    It could be vastly worse, they could have gotten the cabinet seat for the ministry of culture.



    Thanks for the welcome all šŸ™‚


    Thomas Paine

    Lars, it’s great having an international flavor to the ZONE ā€” welcome brother in logic and reasoning.

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