How Pressure Cycles Kill Subs and Jets

Homepage Forums Science How Pressure Cycles Kill Subs and Jets

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 2 months ago.

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    Here’s a youtube presentation I like that explains sub and jet designs needing testing, including how the OceanGate Titan must have failed.

    @unseen, AtheistZone was moved to a new server starting some hours ago, which happened mostly invisibly, except that the latest few hours of activity here were not copied to the new server. I’m hoping you can add your video again, because it was interesting and informative, too.



    This video came out about a week after the disaster. It’s by an engineer who’s absolutely furious about the shortcuts and risks the Oceangate owner took in his submersible’s design as well his ignoring the cumulative degradation involved in using the device over and over.

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