If Only I Hadn't Read the Bible,

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  unapologetic 1 year, 2 months ago.

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    That would be kewl—new gods. Let the gods of the bible go the way of Zeus and Osiris.


    Question: if the gods of the bible are invincible, why were they intimidated by a bunch of prehistoric humans building a tower to heaven? What did he think they would do to him once they got there? They wouldn’t have been able to breathe, but they could still kick his ass. So, he had to do something to stop them.



    “That would be kewl—new gods. Let the gods of the bible go the way of Zeus and Osiris”

    Neil Gaiman – American Gods

    Book about all the old forgotten gods bitching about, well, being forgotten. Had another plot to it other than that but gods… bitching… crybaby’s. Loved the book didn’t care for the screenplay. Not the way I imagined it.



    That would be kewl—new gods.


    No gods. We don’t need them.

    I don’t remember anything about New Gods. I only remember that I read a few issues and didn’t like it.

     New adventures of jesus 1 (1969)

    Jesus Comix, underground comix from 1969, 70, 72.  Somewhere I’v got Son O god comics 1,2 by Neal Addams from the National Lampoon. I’ll try to dig them up.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  unapologetic.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  unapologetic.


    I found 4 issues of SON-O-GOD comics at pinterest. full scans, all pages.






    Those look like they would be some hilarious reading!

    ‘Course, if a comic book back in the Twentieth Century were ever to be 100 % true to the Abrahamic and Vedic “holy” works, it would never have got past the Comics Code Authority:

    Comics Code Authority–Wikipedia

    It’s just a good thing that some like The Late, Great Stan Lee took a stand:



    Those look like they would be some hilarious reading!

    You can read the whole Son-O-God series at pinterest:



    Halo shampoo was a real brand when Jesus comix was published.

    ‘Course, if a comic book back in the Twentieth Century were ever to be 100 % true to the Abrahamic and Vedic “holy” works,  …

    Robert Crumb, the most famous of the Underground comix creators, converted to xanity, and did a non-code adaption of genisis. (I haven’t read it, I don’t know how faithful it is.)

    Cool!  That’s a great tribute to Stan.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  unapologetic.

    Here is a movie that gets to the true message of our savior.



    Thanks for that link Reg. Funny film. I am now the first and only reviewer of it at IMDB. 9/10.

    It’s suspicious that poorly done religious films get dozens of 10/10 reviews on the first day. while Weekend at J’s went for 3 years with no reviews.

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