Is God a Psychopath?

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    According to this clinical definition of psychopathy, he is.

    Is God A Psychopath?




    He would have to first exist, but, yes, the God portrayed in The Holy Bible would definitely count as one.



    Rhonjon, He would have to first exist, but, yes, the God portrayed in The Holy Bible would definitely count as one.



    If I were  describing a character in Greek mythology or popular fiction, I wouldn’t leave a disclaimer letting people know that character doesn’t really exist.  Maybe I should do that when I describe god. I just figure that at an atheist website, it goes without saying.



    Rhonjon and Fellow Unbelievers,

    For real-life example of a psychopath, here is Exhibit A ripped from the headlines:

    Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll

    Nathaniel Davis claims to be 108 trillion, 986 billion years older than The Big Bang, yet for all the knowledge such a being should have, his career is body-guarding for a Congresscritter and hobby-farming. When it comes to running an entire Planet, however, according to Davis, (((the Jews))) evidently got one over on him! 🤪😁😄😆😅🤣




    If I were describing a character in Greek mythology or popular fiction, I wouldn’t leave a disclaimer letting people know that character doesn’t really exist. Maybe I should do that when I describe god. I just figure that at an atheist website, it goes without saying.

    This is true, though as you can see from Forum activity, we sometimes have some unique visitors. 😁




    If I were describing a character in Greek mythology or popular fiction, I wouldn’t leave a disclaimer letting people know that character doesn’t really exist. Maybe I should do that when I describe god. I just figure that at an atheist website, it goes without saying.

    This is true, though as you can see from Forum activity, we sometimes have some unique visitors. 😁


    Indeed, we do. I’m relatively new here, but I did start out in the introduction forum. Is there a forum or group here where we tell our story about deconversion and/or our experience in the church. I’ve a wacky story to tell.



    rhonjon, IDK whether there is a formal place. Nor do i care. Please regale us. I always find those things interesting. You could do it on status update or wherever you fancy.



    I have yet the read an objective definition of the modern xtian god. Instead, it’s a just a bunch of subjective adjectives like great, good, all-this, all-that. It’s impossible to believe in something unless it is defined, therefore no one really believes the modern xtian god. It’s impossible.



    Not only undefined but where is the scientific adventurer who is seeking proof of ANY religious BS. I think there have been experiments perhaps to see if there is a weight reduction upon death or a visible soul exiting the corpse. Not aware of any other searches for heaven, hell, devil, other angels…any of it.



    *woops…forgot about efficacy of prayer experiments


    @jakelafort *woops…forgot about efficacy of prayer experiments

    I think it only works if your hands are joined together and your face is strained enough to wrinkle your forehead like that chef Gordon Ramsay. There is no way he got those frown lines by being worried about the carrots boiling too long. He should fess the f**k up already.



    @jakelafort *woops…forgot about efficacy of prayer experiments I think it only works if your hands are joined together and your face is strained enough to wrinkle your forehead like that chef Gordon Ramsay. There is no way he got those frown lines by being worried about the carrots boiling too long. He should fess the f**k up already.

    I bet there are serious wrinkles under that Coif, else she’s a fake.

    Same goes for her..



    Oh i’ve seen her on tv. I can’t help but have a visceral aversion. She is just so…

    Second lady i don’t know but i may be able to get past my misgivings of all things religious.

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