It’s been quite some time. Once upon a time I was a moderator/ prominent poster on the boards. Not long after the boards transferred ownership from Matthew/ Cara (iirc) –> Dan –> new owner my dad got kinda sick for a year and died. The site owner at the time unceremoniously dumped me as a mod without actually talking to me while my dad was on his death bed. The funny thing is even during that time I was still approving content, and moderating; I just wasn’t saying much. While I wasn’t that attached to being a moderator, that move left a pretty bad taste in my mouth, so in my fatigued state I packed up all my toys and left without a word.
An autocorrect error in my browser and a redirect (surprisingly was still in my history on one device) later, and I ended up on this site. It seems as if, like most forums of this general format, activity has really slowed to a crawl, but I still see some familiar names kicking around. I figured I’d pop back in and say ‘hi’. Not sure how much I will post, but…
Some weather we’re having, amirite? (and other assorted small talk)
This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by