Moving over from TA

Homepage Forums Introductions Moving over from TA

This topic contains 42 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  mikelansing 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3029

    Simon Paynton

    It doesn’t bother me, I can use it and it looks fine.  I just would like some “nested” replies but I believe that’s fixed by the forum package you get, I don’t know.

    We can still get the URL of individual replies, but we can’t quote them in another reply.



    I guess what matters is we’re all here and we are still line family….or something….

    Now how the hell do I start a discussion on this thing? Lol



    Quick, quick, I need to capitalize on the headline of a “hung parlament” – sounds like an appendage missing from Donald Trump’s shorts. If it wasn’t completely terrifying watching what’s going on in the news it would be fucking hilarious lmfao!


    Simon Paynton

    Now how the hell do I start a discussion on this thing? Lol

    – you have to Subscribe to the Forum and then at the bottom of that page you can start a new discussion.

    hung parlament

    – it just gets worse and worse.  I feel like retiring to bed with a bottle of whisky.



    All registered users can participate in site wide forums but to participate in group forums you must join it first. I think these settings are set by group admin. It is same at TA as well.


    It’s only natural that a hard Brexit will follow a hung parliament.


    Simon Paynton

    I’m sticking to Judge Judy from now on.




    This is crap! How the hell can we make any changes to the text? Color, size? All there is is Bold or Italic. There are, as far as I’m concerned better atheist sites. But then I don’t do social media stuff. I don’t even text or receive texts. Umar please delete my membership completely.

    Hey ro3bert,

    Not many sites give you a way to change text color or size, including Think Atheist. As for other improvements needed, we appreciate the suggestions even if they’re not politically correct! 🙂

    If you need to get Umar’s attention, put an @ symbol in front of it like this: @popebeanie. Either I’m not given the privilege to delete your membership, or I haven’t figured out how to do it, yet.



    It doesn’t bother me, I can use it and it looks fine. I just would like some “nested” replies but I believe that’s fixed by the forum package you get, I don’t know. We can still get the URL of individual replies, but we can’t quote them in another reply.

    I’ve seen one other customized bbPress site that has nested replies, but the webmaster said it was really hard for him to modify the code to make it work.

    Hitting the Quote button on any reply opens a new reply and pastes in the whole post. Copy/paste and hitting the quote button on a reply you’ve already started works, too. (Am I answering the wrong issue?)






    It’s only natural that a hard Brexit will follow a hung parliament.

    Surely soft Brexit is preferable.



    So WordPress is the platform, and AZ’s added buddyPress (for Group functions) and bbPress (for forum functions). They can each work by itself, but when combined, bbPress is what’s managing the Forums in the Groups that buddyPress manage.

    Just mentioning that in case it helps anyone understand the odd kind of way one must navigate between groups and forums. (Helped me.)


    Simon Paynton

    Thanks Pope Beanie.

    I think “no Brexit” is the best thing, the only alternative is an “act of self-harm” as the Europeans see it.  So we just need someone competent in charge, and they seem to be thin on the ground.



    Yes, Davis, the reply function is problematic.

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