Indeed. This boils down to the problem of Evil. How can a perfect amazing moral amaze-balls God allow suffering on an epic scale?
There are various answers that Christian appologists give:
Suffering is not evil, it is simply a lack of God. God sometimes takes a break and goes on vacation leaving a God vacuum. Why? We will find out in the next life. God isn’t always everywhere as we have been told. He withholds himself like an abusive spouse withholds money until you do what they ask.
Without suffering there’s no point in having free will: This tends to overlook the fact that most suffering has nothing to do with making personal decisions. It means we pay for the crimes of others.
We are too stupid to understand it all. Ugh
Allowing suffering is not inherently immoral...there is a greater lesson to learn or higher reason. Our children suffer while learning important life lessons we cannot shield them from forever. A necessary evil. Only, I don’t remember any justification for letting your child starve to death, be tortured by fellow child soldiers, violate children or psychologically abuse them…to teach them some lesson or make them stronger. Even a stupid human like me can see the some fatal errors in this reasoning.
Or perhaps your thought process was something else when unable to fit the high suffering square into the perfect God circle slot???
Rational wiki has a good article on the problem of evil (keep in mind it is not an encyclopedia and has a strong sarcastic non-religion bias). The wiki can always use good writers, editors or snarky-masters!
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by