Possibly the most ironic post I'll ever make when I ask…

Homepage Forums Small Talk Possibly the most ironic post I'll ever make when I ask…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  unapologetic 9 months, 1 week ago.

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    …am I the only one who feels this way?

    You see, my daughter thinks I’m antisocial, but I explained “I’m not antisocial. I asocial. I don’t feel the need to be with other people. Ever. In fact, the only time I feel alone is when I’m with people.” She said, she had no idea what I’m talking about.

    Do you? Do I have any kindred spirits here? (See what I mean about irony?) I just wonder. It’s not that I’m hoping anyone feels the same way I do.


    Simon Paynton

    It sounds like you’re what they call an introvert.



    It sounds like you’re what they call an introvert.

    Oh, for sure.


    Simon Paynton

    I need to spend a lot of time on my own doing not much, so I can think about my philosophical studies.  I don’t read novels any more, which I used to enjoy before I started that.  But even if I wasn’t doing that, I would still choose to spend most of my time on my own.



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