Quack! Quack!
This topic contains 79 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Unseen 7 months, 1 week ago.
April 5, 2024 at 1:15 am #53266
@ Jake
You’re missing my point which is that Israel doesn’t seem to respect even the most basic guard rails. No number of dead Palestinians seems to be enough. Gaza is becoming a death/extermination camp.
You know, after WWII, the Japanese were sure that they would suffer terrible consequences once it was clear they had lost the war. What the U.S. did instead turned our #1 Asian enemy into a reliable ally.
Those who don’t learn from their past… yada yada
April 5, 2024 at 1:27 am #53267The violent attacks on Israel (first from Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian Arab armies and later from assorted terrorist groups) and the indoctrination of Palestinian children into an ideology of hate has been going on for so many decades that these Jihadists-in-training probably do not even understand that it is abnormal.
That may be, but the ongoing harassment and limiting of freedom and killing of Palestinians doesn’t exactly provide a human side to the Palestinian side, does it?
Yet, I am sure there is some segment that does not agree with Jihadism. Where are they all? Crickets. They are the ones who need to step up right now.
The experience of the German-on-the-street during Nazi times tells us that that is probably more than we can reasonably expect.
The limited freedoms are self-imposed because of the frequent Arab terrorism. Every 6-year-old girl can be a potential suicide bomber.
April 5, 2024 at 10:40 am #53269I want symmetry.
No you don’t Jake. All I see you doing is condemning the barbarity of Hamas and justifying the barbarity of the Israeli army. You are not interested at all in genuine justice but in justifying gross double standards. None of you talking about Israel/Palestine for the last weeks have been remotely capable of a shred of nuance, self reflection or seeing the barbarity and injustice of either side but defending the undefendable actions of your own side. I do not respect a single one of you intellectual nor as a human being if you have access to the undeniable pointless atrocities committed by BOTH sides yet attempt to justify one of them. It is like justifying stabbing little kittens with knives.
You see yourselves as progressive good modern people, progressive good modern people do not support disproportionate pointless vengeful suffering. I’m embarrassed to be associated with all of you.
This is on top of the relentless libertarian nonsense I read, the misogyny, incel talk and casual bigotry that has become common here and a shocking lack of actually talking about atheism/religion recently. I don’t enjoy being a part of this forum anymore. I’ll come back in six months and hopefully it is not a forum where people spat extreme views and become incapable of conceding any points and where atheism/religion is barely notices apart from Sunday school.
Will miss those of you capable of nuance and engagement in relevant topics: Reg, Pope, Strega, Simon and Belle. Have a nice Spring/Summer.
April 5, 2024 at 11:39 am #53270I’ll come back in six months
No hurries….plenty of Islamist apologetics all over the web from so-called “liberals”. Hitchens would be steamrolling over this bullshit. Perhaps he would be arrested and sentenced for seven years for offending a fucking Muslim who would be happy to stone your gay buddies to death. Some liberals still have courage.
April 5, 2024 at 1:21 pm #53271I must say, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Bill Maher have all held steadfast to classic liberalism. They are not fans of the thought and speech police or the kissing up to Jihadists or the antisemitism exhibited by college officials. For example, none of them ever aim disparage or disrespect Trans people. When the vocal members of that community started telling others what they are allowed to think or say, that is when they lost support. I think Harris is especially spot-on when it comes to the Hamas led massacre of Oct 7 and the Israeli response.
Nevertheless, Netanyahu is another unfortunate product of the continued Arab terrorist activity. Israelis just got tired of the rockets. He, like Hamas has to go. It’s always the extremists that screw everything up.
April 5, 2024 at 3:45 pm #53274Davis,
If you hate this forum, Davis, you would absolutely drop dead at some of things I’ve encountered on other forums.
For example, on Survivalist/Prepper Forums, I’ve encountered White Supremacists, and by White Supremacist, I do not mean the “Woke” definition of people who value beauty, physical fitness, and having a work ethic. I mean actual sheet-wearing or brown shirt-wearing, head-shaving, KKK/”1488″/Swastika/SS Lightning Strike/SS Death’s Head-tattooed White Supremacists who support “The Day of the Rope” from William Pierce a.k.a. Andrew MacDonald’s book The Turner Diaries.
Others I’ve encountered on Survivalist/Prepper forums include people who talk about what stores and malls they want to loot and what communities they want to plunder and enslave in a Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF) scenario. Others talk about the delicacy of “long pork” and have fantasies of living out the final moments of The Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man.”
Rather than retreat to a “safe room” with teddy bears and coloring books, and rather than wasting precious neuron electricity attempting rational discourse with these types, I just told them all that they are the two-legged predator reasons why good, rational people practice Survivalism/Preparedness and that their “Way of the Rope” and ways of Barbarians at the Gates of Rome and of primordial savage cannibals are all good ways to get their asses shot, especially during a real-life SHTF scenario.
Also, on another forum, I frequently encounter a Holocaust Denier who wants to outlaw lying (let that one sink in,) a couple of apologists for Vladimir Putin’s Revanchist Russia, and an Eco-Wacko who is also an apologist for Mao’s Red China and who self-professedly stirs up chaos as a way of life.
Again, rather than let my trigger get tripped, and rather than waste too much time and energy on them, I just carry their latest rant to it’s logically absurd conclusion and sign off with: “Fuck Off, Nazi!” “Fuck Off, Dugin Hooligan Putineer!” or “Fuck Off, Watermelon Rickshaw Boy!”
And this particular forum with all these is now wanting to put up a paywall and make people pay for the privilege of encountering this absurdity! Needless to say, I’m happily letting myself get thrown out when the day comes!
Thanks for the compliment that my Libertarianism is “relentless!” That makes me feel so good! 😁👌🏼.
Though I don’t see where you get that this forum has “misogyny, incel talk, and casual bigotry” and that talk about The Middle East is somehow unrelated to Atheism. The scarcity of Atheism and Secularism everywhere in the Middle East except modern-day Israel is the nub of the jist of many of their problems.
Anywho, do what you gotta do, but don’t think the rest of the world is pristine outside of here.
Myself, I’m going to have to spend less time here to get ahead and overcome Trumpflation, Bidenflation, and whatever Inflation comes next. I’ll still post regular updates on Life and Health extension and refuting MDM and check in when the moment permits. I’ll try to see you all again soon.
- This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by TheEncogitationer. Reason: Change of tense from "tell" to "told"
- This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by TheEncogitationer. Reason: Punctuation and addendum
April 5, 2024 at 4:14 pm #53277I think Davis means well and is sincere in his assessments.
Ideology causes thinkers to be brain dead and unfortunately Davis is a left wing ideologue. I want nothing to do with the right or left. A pox on both of your homes. Instead of any party or group attacking the worst ills of civilization and attempting to make it a better world we see nothing but BS. Same old destructive forces in play and nothing to counteract those forces.
I could go on a rant about how destructive, contemptible, misidirected and racist the progressives are but i will let it be.
April 5, 2024 at 7:49 pm #53278@ Robert So, because some Muslims are Hamas terrorists, we treat all Muslims as Hamas terrorists.
I say “If some are terrorists because they are is-lame-ick, then we should assume all is-lame-icks are terrorists.”
April 5, 2024 at 10:37 pm #53279I want symmetry.
No you don’t Jake. All I see you doing is condemning the barbarity of Hamas and justifying the barbarity of the Israeli army.
Just noticed what Davis wrote.
It would take me an hour to respond fully to his perceptions. First of all of course i was being sarcastic about symmetry. Symmetry of military response is just another BS narrative spun to slander Jews. Symmetry is not realpolitik. Surely i dont have to enumerate historical precedent to refute the symmetry BS.
I don’t have any idea how Israel should have responded to Hamas. Its easy to be quarterback when you have no stake in the outcome. I definitely do not think being a pacifist is the way to go. They had to respond militarily. The Arabs have to know there will be serious retaliation for their actions. If Israel is trying to starve Palestinians i obviously do not approve even though i have no doubt the overwhelming number of Palestinians would be dancing the boogaloo all day and night if Jews were exterminated. Trying to wipe out Hamas makes some sense but are they going about it the right way? No clue. I also think no matter what Israel does Palestinians and Arabs in middle east will HATE jEWs in Israel. They wont be more kindly disposed to Israel in Gaza no matter what Israel does. I did not even discuss the barbarity of Hamas or justify the military action of Israel. Well that was a waste of time…
April 8, 2024 at 8:47 pm #53314This IDF policy is “worse terrorism than Hamas” and is a “moral stain” on the IDF and Israel.
April 8, 2024 at 11:51 pm #53315What kind of idiot thinks the objective of war is equality or parity of casualties? The government of Gaza organized an attack on Israeli citizens. The responsibility of the Israeli government and war objective is to maintain her civilian’s safety. They failed on October 7. This is why Gazans must be treated as terrorists. They have demonstrated their published chartered objective of destroying Israel is not just talk, over and over again.
BTW, Israel has been pulling troops out of the South; just 1 division remains. It makes sense that they have to finish the job, or else what was the point of it all.
April 9, 2024 at 5:19 am #53318“What kind of idiot thinks the objective of war is equality or parity of casualties?”
The kind who goes with the progressive flow and the kind that wants to justify their irrational hatred of Jews.
April 9, 2024 at 8:25 pm #53323@ Jake
Right. I wake up in the morning and immediately I’m consumed with my hatred of the scourge (or plague) that is Jewry and I fill with a desire to send the ones we don’t kill outright to a concentration camp on the dark side of the Moon.
Thinking this way is your way of excusing the inexcusable.
Detesting Israel’s leadership and policies and conduct vs. Palestinians is not antisemitism.
- This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Unseen.
April 10, 2024 at 2:39 pm #53328@ Jake Right. I wake up in the morning and immediately I’m consumed with my hatred of the scourge (or plague) that is Jewry and I fill with a desire to send the ones we don’t kill outright to a concentration camp on the dark side of the Moon. Thinking this way is your way of excusing the inexcusable. Detesting Israel’s leadership and policies and conduct vs. Palestinians is not antisemitism.
The whole thing really is such a tragedy, and we can assign religion as the real culprit that divides people at the core of their beliefs.
April 26, 2024 at 4:29 am #53453Two state solution? Israel doesn’t want it. Now we find out the U.S. doesn’t, either!
While clarifying that President Joe Biden has worked vigorously to support “Palestinian aspirations for statehood” within the context “of a comprehensive peace that would resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” a diplomatic cable dated April 12 details U.S. talking points against a U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood. The cable says that Security Council members must be persuaded to reject any proposal for Palestinian statehood — and thereby its recognition as a sovereign nation — before the council’s open debate on the Middle East, scheduled for April 18.
“It remains the U.S. view that the most expeditious path toward a political horizon for the Palestinian people is in the context of a normalization agreement between Israel and its neighbors,” the cable reads. “We believe this approach can tangibly advance Palestinian goals in a meaningful and enduring way.”
“We therefore urge you not to support any potential Security Council resolution recommending the admission of ‘Palestine’ as a U.N. member state, should such a resolution be presented to the Security Council for a decision in the coming days and weeks.”
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