(Re) Introduction

Homepage Forums Introductions (Re) Introduction

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Gallup’s Mirror 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Nina va der Roos

    Having moved myself over from ThinkAtheist I find I have to do the whole intro Profile / Intro thing again. I am just a typical Dutch woman. I am a life long non god believing 35 year old mother. I am a former army nurse and now a home birth midwife. My wife and I have been married 13 years, she is a Phd in Physiology. We and our family of four kids, two assistance dogs and a cat live in the oldest and one of the most lovely cities in the Netherlands. I am told that I am typically Dutch in my blunt forthrightness. My interests, aside from our children, lay in music. This strikes some as funny given that my wife and oldest son are both profoundly deaf (and our cat). I play piano and harpsichord, the latter being an antique Virginal, a gift from my lovely inlaws after I gave birth to our last child.

    I care nothing for religion, and most certainly have no “respect” for them, I am not willing to be dishonest and pretend that I do just because not respecting them might up set those delusional enough to believe in them.



    Welcome to you, and hopefully Judith makes it over here as well (if she’s not already here).


    Gallup’s Mirror

    Welcome to the new site, Nina.

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