Register Republican

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    It might still be possible to keep Trump off the ballet.

    * There are a few court cases coming this year (2024) that might disqualify him. But maybe not in time.

    * In most states, in the primary, you can only vote for candidates from your party. I strongly encourage you to register Republican in time for the primary election. And of course vote AGAINST Trump. The Republican convention could still nominate him, but it is worth a try.



    @ unapologetic

    Well… that’s not gonna happen.

    Hopefully, soon, the Dem party elders will start paying attention to the polls.

    Biden can’t win even a general election according to some polls. And in order to win in the electoral college, he’d have to lead Trump by several points in the popular election.



    And of course vote AGAINST Trump.

    I’ve not decided on that, yet. I don’t like DeSantis and other GOP choices, although of course DJ McNasty would be the worst. And I’m more hopeful that someone other than Biden wins the primaries. (It’s like, hopeless in any case.)

    I’ve not paid attention to the polls, and I probably won’t for a few more months.


    Anyone think that Gretchen Whitmer might be a better prospect than Biden? I think abortion rights will be at the forefront of the campaign and she has already successfully run in Michigan on it. She may even get Republican female voters on her side. She would triumph in a debate with Spanky McLiarface.

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