Removing illegally placed religious propaganda
This topic contains 13 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by RighteousRichey 1 year ago.
February 4, 2024 at 6:12 pm #52494
Atheist Street Pirates is a group which removes illegally placed religious propaganda from public property nationwide & reports them on a map. If anyone wants to report these signs, whether they’re cardboard signs, stickers, metal signs, banners, flags, graffiti, whether they’re on street signs, power poles, anywhere on public property, please go to the website for Atheist Street Pirates.
Anyone who wants to officially join ASP & help remove this propaganda, please go to the website then scroll down & click where it says “Join A Local Crew” to be directed to an email form which you will need to fill out with your contact information. Not long after filling it out & sending it, you will be contacted by a member who will explain some things to you about what we do & give you some tips & tricks then send you an invite to join the group on the Slack app.
Bear in mind that it is NOT illegal to remove these signs yourself as long as they are on public property & not private property.
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February 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm #52500As long as statues like this can also be put up, I’m basically okay with it. All or nothing, in other words.
February 5, 2024 at 4:07 pm #52508I would be inclined to agree, except the same people who post this propaganda are the same people who would destroy a statue like that within an hour of it being set up yet still want their signs to stay up. The kind of people who post this religious propaganda usually tend to be people who are openly intolerant of & disliking towards unbelievers of their religion
February 5, 2024 at 4:24 pm #52509When I go to a city council meeting and they ask us to bow our heads for the invocation; I always lean back, interlock my hands behind my head and whistle “zippidy do da”.
February 5, 2024 at 7:21 pm #52512I’m just observing right now, trying to figure out if there’s a way to show the virtues of tolerance. E.g. on youtube where anti-woke and anti-left are now surges of hatefests, pandered to by politicians seeking re-election opportunities.
Unfortunately, neither Bing’s AI or ChatGPT were willing to draw me an image of Satan and Trump shaking hands. I would have added Mark Johnson to it. Just a fantasy of mine, putting up those images in public parks. But I think it wouldn’t wouldn’t help us right now. The time for the pendulum to swing our way looks far off.
Found something in regular search:
February 5, 2024 at 7:39 pm #52514When I go to a city council meeting and they ask us to bow our heads for the invocation; I always lean back, interlock my hands behind my head and whistle “zippidy do da”.
omfg That’s awesome 🤣
February 5, 2024 at 7:45 pm #52515“Removing illegally placed religious propaganda”
OK, but how do I know what is illegal?
February 5, 2024 at 9:59 pm #52519“Removing illegally placed religious propaganda” OK, but how do I know what is illegal?
If you take it down and you are charged with a crime, it’s illegal. I learned long ago, “It’s better to do it and ask for mercy than ask first and be denied.” 😂
February 5, 2024 at 11:50 pm #52522“Removing illegally placed religious propaganda” OK, but how do I know what is illegal?
If the sign is on public property, such as the side of the highway or interstate, a power pole, or a street sign like a stop sign, yield sign etc. then it is illegally placed & you can remove it.
If the sign is on private property, such as a person’s front yard or on the lawn of a church property, then it is legal & you should not remove it, otherwise you can be charged with theft and/or vandalism. Power poles technically belong to the power companies, which are warning against posting all bandit signs of any kind on them, religious or not, all over the United States because of the potential safety hazards leftover staples & nails cause line workers who have to climb the power poles to do their job.
I’ve removed many of these signs in front of police officers & state patrols & they never say anything to me or give me any trouble
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February 6, 2024 at 3:41 pm #52526Greetings, Righteous Richey!
It sounds like you’re doing some Happy Warrior work there! Great idea and I may join on the action in my area.
Some Friendly Pro Tips:
I would give the activist group a more fitting name and call them Street Salvagers instead of Street Pirates, since the activists aren’t looting anyone of anything in their possession, but instead they are removing Left Behind junk.
Piracy is more the speed of ancient European Divine Right Monarchs and today’s Somali Practitioners of The Religion of Peace and Compassion™. Secularists should be better people than that.
Also, cleaning the environment of junk religious signage needs to be part of a larger effort of to clean city streets of all junk and garbage, a bitter necessity in today’s “Progressive” U.S. cities.
Clean-up crews could include signs aimed at motorists saying: “There’s Only One World and One Life! Make It Better Than You Found It!”
Some signs along the highways are really high up on the poles and trees. For those signs, the safe thing to do is to call the utility companies and let them know where they are and let the professionals with climbing spikes and bucket trucks take these signs down. Maybe also be on the scene with your own hand-held signs telling motorists that: “Thinking Saves Better Than Jesus!”
Religious assholes may risk their own lives putting these signs high up on poles and trees, but supporters of Reason do things with rational precaution and live to practice activism in the future.
As for myself, my own personal project is disposing of junk religious litter-ature that people leave in the store where I work against private property rights, against management consent, and against the door signs forbidding all solicitation. The First Amendment and Natural Right of free expression applies only to your own time, Dime, and private property and those of the willing, not anyone else’s.
I also politely but firmly remind customers of this when they attempt to personally give me religious litter-ature either at my checkout line or in the parking lot. I’ve written about incidents like this before elsewhere on the Forum.
Recently, one religious asshole actually snuck behind a Door Greeter and slipped a brochure in the Door Greeter’s work vest pocket!
Myself, I practiced Social Distancing of two arm’s length with strangers as a self-defense measure years before the Woo Flu. Slipping me litter-ature behind my back would get them one warning and their litter-ature torn up in front of them! If they persist in staying less than two arm’s length, they may have a serious problem on their hands.
Anywho, keep up the great work, Righteous Richey! Keep America (And The Rest of The Natural Universe) Beautiful! (and For Your Own Good Above All!) 🗽👍🏻
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TheEncogitationer. Reason: Addendum
February 7, 2024 at 6:08 pm #52543Huzzah for the Street Pirates!
February 7, 2024 at 8:01 pm #52544Greetings, Righteous Richey! It sounds like you’re doing some Happy Warrior work there! Great idea and I may join on the action in my area. Some Friendly Pro Tips: I would give the activist group a more fitting name and call them Street Salvagers instead of Street Pirates, since the activists aren’t looting anyone of anything in their possession, but instead they are removing Left Behind junk. Piracy is more the speed of ancient European Divine Right Monarchs and today’s Somali Practitioners of The Religion of Peace and Compassion™. Secularists should be better people than that. Also, cleaning the environment of junk religious signage needs to be part of a larger effort of to clean city streets of all junk and garbage, a bitter necessity in today’s “Progressive” U.S. cities. Clean-up crews could include signs aimed at motorists saying: “There’s Only One World and One Life! Make It Better Than You Found It!” Some signs along the highways are really high up on the poles and trees. For those signs, the safe thing to do is to call the utility companies and let them know where they are and let the professionals with climbing spikes and bucket trucks take these signs down. Maybe also be on the scene with your own hand-held signs telling motorists that: “Thinking Saves Better Than Jesus!” Religious assholes may risk their own lives putting these signs high up on poles and trees, but supporters of Reason do things with rational precaution and live to practice activism in the future. As for myself, my own personal project is disposing of junk religious litter-ature that people leave in the store where I work against private property rights, against management consent, and against the door signs forbidding all solicitation. The First Amendment and Natural Right of free expression applies only to your own time, Dime, and private property and those of the willing, not anyone else’s. I also politely but firmly remind customers of this when they attempt to personally give me religious litter-ature either at my checkout line or in the parking lot. I’ve written about incidents like this before elsewhere on the Forum. Recently, one religious asshole actually snuck behind a Door Greeter and slipped a brochure in the Door Greeter’s work vest pocket! Myself, I practiced Social Distancing of two arm’s length with strangers as a self-defense measure years before the Woo Flu. Slipping me litter-ature behind my back would get them one warning and their litter-ature torn up in front of them! If they persist in staying less than two arm’s length, they may have a serious problem on their hands. Anywho, keep up the great work, Righteous Richey! Keep America (And The Rest of The Natural Universe) Beautiful! (and For Your Own Good Above All!) 🗽👍🏻
I’ll admit I don’t think “Atheist Street Salvagers” sounds bad & what you mentioned about the pirates name sort of makes sense, but personally I still prefer Atheist Street Pirates. Some people like it, some don’t, but I still think it sounds cool.
Regarding all bandit signs, I actually do remove other variations of illegally placed bandit signs from time to time, I just prioritize the religious propaganda signs since that’s the main focus & we don’t update those on the map, plus there are less of the religious signs than there are of the business marketing signs so it’s often easier & requires much less time & effort to mostly focus on the religious propaganda.
And you’re right, some of these signs are high up on power poles & trees, so for those, the safe thing to do is buy a 30 foot Docapole & wack that shit down yourself 🤘🏴☠️
You can report these signs to local officials like code enforcement, there is nothing wrong with that & in fact it’s a good idea that we encourage people to do & sometimes code enforcement will remove them, but from my experience, often times they consider it lower priority & don’t remove them depending on the city & state you report it in & even when they do remove it, their response time is usually pretty slow so it’s easier, faster & less of a hassle to just take them down yourself, which if you have a Docapole is very easy & does not require jeopardizing your safety 👍🦺
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February 9, 2024 at 5:13 pm #52556Righteous Richey,
Atheist Street Salvagers was my pick for precision in language, but what really matters is getting the job done.
My handle on Slack is Frederique “Garbage Scowler” Sanford, a pirate-name version of my favorite Junkman, Urban Survivalist, and Anti-Holy-Roller:
Yesterday, driving on the Interstate first to the hospital, then to the mall, and then to work, I saw a dozen “Jesus Saves” signs! I’ll have to take pictures and geotag them on one of my off days. It’ll be a chance to get some exercise steps in too.
Right now funds are tight, but I’ll see if I can find a cheap Docapole on Temu or elsewhere. On Interstate Highways, I would think Federal or State Departments of Transportation would have jurisdiction and maintenance crews to handle more dangerous sign placements.
As for cities and towns, maybe DIY is better for low-hanging rotten fruit. Code Enforcers enforce both just and unjust laws and–as was the case with Dennis Rader, the BTK serial killer–they sometimes use the color of title to stake out victims and commit their crimes. Avoiding Code Enforcers would be best.
(I always delight in pointing out that Dennis Rader was a Code Enforcer, a family man, AND a Lutheran Churchman. America’s version of Hannah Arendt’s description of Adolf Eichmann “The Banality of Evil.”)
It may be good in media outreach to point out the surrounding environment of these signs too.
I noticed many were a short distance from garbage piles and even small homeless encampments. Someone who can climb and nail a “Jesus Saves” sign to a post can equally nail boards, staple roofing tiles, and lay bricks to make more plentiful, affordable housing. Someone taking the time to preach the Gospel could equally spend time referring the homeless and addicted to places that can help or studying to invent drugs that kill pain without killing people.
There are a million better things to do in life than spread religious garbage on the highways and byways. Atheist Street Pirates can be the loving example pointing this out to a problem-filled world.
February 13, 2024 at 4:24 pm #52622Someone who can climb and nail a “Jesus Saves” sign to a post can equally nail boards, staple roofing tiles, and lay bricks to make more plentiful, affordable housing.
See, interestingly enough, the people who are behind the Jesus Saves signs are not posting them by climbing the power poles, but rather with these homemade sign staplers that are specifically designed to be able to lift bandit signs higher than the average sign stapler is able to so that they’re more difficult to take down.
I think more people would take these signs down if they knew about Docapole & if they knew it’s not against the law to remove them. -
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