So, CNN hosted a Donald Trump town hall

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This topic contains 40 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  PopeBeanie 1 year, 9 months ago.

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    Beanie, capitalism corrupts everything?

    The history channel.

    News shows aren’t about news.

    Technology driven by capitalism has infected easily infected minds to the detriment of civilization.

    No more voids. Had he said to me even one more void….



    I didn’t listen Pope. But sounds like you are describing hearsay. Hearsay is evidence. Its quality varies. Sometimes it is admissible and others it is not.

    Good point, thanks.

    Beanie, capitalism corrupts everything? The history channel. News shows aren’t about news. Technology driven by capitalism has infected easily infected minds to the detriment of civilization. No more voids. Had he said to me even one more void….

    I understand all but the sentences with “void” in them. But wait, let’s ask ChatGPT! So I did, and it summarized nicely what I already understood, then failed to adequately explain the “void” sentences, even when making a valiant attempt.



    Pope i was giving a tip of the hat with your point about hyperbole. Yes i think capitalism fucks up a lot of stuff but not everything. In some contexts it is a big positive.

    As to the voids thing it is from a Jewish comedian-might have been Jackie Mason-doing schtick partly in Yiddish and capturing some of the jewish cultural nuances.



    If Trump would have finally conceded the election and apologized for his treasonous behavior; that would have been “newsworthy”. Otherwise, we may as well have had a podcast on the biology of unicorns or the virtues of practicing voodoo.

    Whatever happens happens because of something that happened before it. What Trump says or does is news whether we want to know about it or not. We pretend it doesn’t exist to our peril.




    I am not here in this topic in my scholar guise. I am here in my debater guise.



    If Trump would have finally conceded the election and apologized for his treasonous behavior; that would have been “newsworthy”. Otherwise, we may as well have had a podcast on the biology of unicorns or the virtues of practicing voodoo.

    Whatever happens happens because of something that happened before it. What Trump says or does is news whether we want to know about it or not. We pretend it doesn’t exist to our peril.

    Yes, but it was predictable. He will probably win the nomination. Before the next election there will probably be a recession. Much unhappiness with Biden. And then we shall have our emboldened dictator.



    @Pope… I am not here in this topic in my scholar guise. I am here in my debater guise.

    OK. Meanwhile I would call the Town Hall “news”, or at least a relevant interview on a news channel. While it’s not really that important to me what anyone calls it. (Also, while I still won’t watch it.)

    I heard about Anderson Cooper’s response to CNN critics while listening to a great almost-daily podcast called The Lost Debate. (I’ll talk about this and other podcasts in a different topic.) IMO, at least the first five minutes are worth watching:



    Yes, but it was predictable. He will probably win the nomination. Before the next election there will probably be a recession. Much unhappiness with Biden. And then we shall have our emboldened dictator.

    There is no harm in keeping the general public up-to-date.  Trump’s worshippers will know about new wrinkles in his schtick, but how will Joe or Jill Voter keep abreast if the media do shadow suppression of the information?



    Yes, but it was predictable. He will probably win the nomination. Before the next election there will probably be a recession. Much unhappiness with Biden. And then we shall have our emboldened dictator.

    There is no harm in keeping the general public up-to-date. Trump’s worshippers will know about new wrinkles in his schtick, but how will Joe or Jill Voter keep abreast if the media do shadow suppression of the information?

    I’m not against the interview as long as the network fact-checks immediately. With him there’s no “information” to suppress, just lies. If you don’t know what he is all about by now, my condolences. It is easy enough not to watch, and I certainly didn’t waste my time listening to a jack ass hee-haw.



    I’m not against the interview as long as the network fact-checks immediately. With him there’s no “information” to suppress, just lies. If you don’t know what he is all about by now, my condolences. It is easy enough not to watch, and I certainly didn’t waste my time listening to a jack ass hee-haw.

    Oh, come on. You obviously haven’t even watched a few minutes. Ms. Collins did fact check him constantly and intelligently, but did some of his lies squeak by? He lies so constantly that of course some did. Some facts were fact checked after the fact, though.



    Fact checking by CNN at least is easy enough to find. I’m not bothering to watch it, and I’ll bet most Trumpists wouldn’t bother either, even though I wish they would. If anyone watches, can you say if CNN opinionates much, on top of their fact checking? (I did see a few short outtakes.)

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