So, why is the presidential race Trump's to lose?

Homepage Forums Politics So, why is the presidential race Trump's to lose?

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    I’m pissed at the Democratic Party for not putting forth a younger, more viable candidate than Biden, who should have been given his retirement party and gold watch and sent on his way to write his memoirs. But no. The Democratic Party isn’t democratic and its gerontocratic leadership is piss poor at reading tea leaves and believes that “the old way (of backing the incumbent) is the best way.”

    This is not to say that Biden’s term has been anything resembling a failure. Our unemployment rate is ridiculously low, gas is no longer $5/gallon, the stock market has been setting records indicating he has the confidence and optimism of the business world.

    Yet, while his battle against inflation has been a general win, the one place that hasn’t caught up yet is the grocery store. This plus the lingering issue of the porous southern border nags him, especially since the GOP refuses to give him a win on the bipartisan bill the Senate came up with. They are following Trump’s orders. If there’s to be a win, he wants it to be during his second term.

    So, on the one hand you have a convicted rapist ans pathologically lying business fraudster, who stole classified documents and forced the FBI to get a warrant to get them back, who brags about taking reproductive rights from American women, and who is strongly hinting that if he gets back in office, there will be blood and that he might just want to become President for Life.

    On the other, you have Biden who you’re familiar with. Yes, he’s old and given to the occasional gaffe, but they’re nothing compared to Trump’s gaffes, which have been getting worse (lately, he habitually confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and he seems to believe that he beat Obama in some imaginary past presidential election).

    Recent polls are showing Trump winning in a head-to-head with Biden in the so-called “swing states”:

    On top of that, believe it or don’t, Biden is losing support among nonwhite and young voters, a good deal of that over his support for Israel despite Israel’s widely disapproved scorched earth approach to fighting Hamas.

    More and more it’s looking like Biden’s biggest problem is lack of enthusiasm.  The GOP can expect a strong turnout on voting day. It looks like a lot of traditiional Democrat/Biden supporters may simply stay home.

    What do you see as Biden’s keys to turning things around given the fact that a huge number of Americans simply don’t pay a lot of attention to politics and get many of their opinions from a narrow band of sources, including often “influencers” rather than journalistic organizations?



    Hi! I certainly hope Trump loses.



    Hi! I certainly hope Trump loses.

    Yes. Me too. Otherwise, the Trump suckers, many who are living on social security and collecting Medicare won’t be able to afford a red MAGA hat when he gets done with them, LOL. Lots can happen in a year, but it does not look good right now.



    It is too bad Biden didn’t push the AG to get on Trump’s ass immediately. How much evidence do you require?

    Maybe he becomes so unhinged that even his cult followers loose faith.



    It is too bad Biden didn’t push the AG to get on Trump’s ass immediately. How much evidence do you require? Maybe he becomes so unhinged that even his cult followers loose faith.

    Of course, according to The Orange One’s conception of presidental immunity, Biden could simply send in Seal Team 6 to eliminate him, shutter the Supreme Court and Congress and live out the rest of his life as Emperor.





    I’m not betting, yet. Lots can happen in nine months, taking out Trump and/or Biden.



    Voters in the US are superficial as hell. How many people can name a single bill or who supported it? Someone trips on a stairway and they have their man.

    The full dressed up MAGA clowns are the worst. When questioned out comes the 4th grade vocabulary that can barely express their complete ignorance. They will throw themselves under the bus to beat the libs every time. They know that brown and black people, immigrants, gays, trans, and feminists are the end-of-times. The have to arm themselves. That is what this is really about.

    The crazy part is that they are not completely wrong. The black/brown crime rate is super high. Young girls think being a “girl boss” means selling their bedroom porn. The border is a mess. The “middle class” has lost the American dream of buying a house and retiring comfortably. The climate doom situation is largely in the hands of India and China. So here we are.



    Americans are so inured to being hyped and lied to that they just believe whatever the fuck they want to believe, which can be whatever makes their life more exciting (scary?) and also confirms their worldview.

    Other people pay little attention to politics thinking that “It’s all bullshit, anyway”

    The Dems’ problem is basically that of waking people up the lazy and independebt voters to what’s at stake in this election.



    It was highly-respected Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, a liberal, and equally-respected retired conservative Judge J. Michael Luttig who paired up to raise the Thirteenth Amendment disqualification issue.

    Here, Luttig explains why the conservative Supreme Court justices who claim to follow the orginal text or intent philosophies must decide to disqualify Trump.

    On the other hand, Tribe laments that the Court will want to take an off-ramp and make it someone else’s responsibility. Someone like Congress:



    Americans are so inured to being hyped and lied to that they just believe whatever the fuck they want to believe, which can be whatever makes their life more exciting (scary?) and also confirms their worldview.

    I think this is true. People who have little to lose are more than glad to see it all crash down, at least they get to watch the show. Bunch of people want that big “RESET”, even if it means an authoritarian. The Dems could rethink their strategy, or at least get one. I like Biden, but if we are sure he can’t win he could do us a favor.




    And nobody Jake, former attorney extraordinaire who lost perhaps 3 arguments in court in his not illustrious 15 yr career asserts it is a nobrainer. He isn’t eligible.

    In fact it is damn right irresponsible to permit him to run.

    And ya i get the kneejerk response about allowing democracy to eliminate the neerdowells, miscreants, gutter snipe, assorted malcontents, demagogues and stir the potters. But we are talking about a guy who tried what he tried. In the best light possible Trump was happy to hang Mike Pence and let the chips fall into the mouths of the rioters. HANG MIKE PENCE.

    Consider how anomalous and incongruous it is to have this in constitution: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President and yet permit Trump to run?

    On the one hand we have a provision anticipating such a potential result however unlikely and on the other we have the manifestation of our worst fears and yet it is, lets allow our intelligent electorate to figure it out? Makes a lot of sense.



    I think this is true. People who have little to lose are more than glad to see it all crash down, at least they get to watch the show. Bunch of people want that big “RESET”, even if it means an authoritarian. The Dems could rethink their strategy, or at least get one. I like Biden, but if we are sure he can’t win he could do us a favor.

    One of the main attractions The Trumpster has for his fan base is his promise of a purge. There’s a movie called The Purge (which I haven’t seen) where the idea is that there’s a 24-hour period when people can settle scores with impunity. We have a huge segment of the population that believes the darkies get all kinds of advantages and benefits of their taxpayer dollars (the whole “other people’s money” thing), that sexual ambiguity is being shoved down their throat with governmental support, that the inflation degrading their spending power is due to the ineptitude of the governing party, yada yadayada. They welcome the idea of someone coming along and getting things back on track (making America 1952 again).

    I think things would look 1000% more optimistic for the Dems if someone like ex-astronaut Mark Kelly were the nominee.



    @ Jake

    The Supreme Court is conscious that its reputation lately is toast and they can only imagine what a hit it will take if they interfere in the election, even if The Constitution technically calls for it.

    I think they’ll pass the buck to Congress, which may be in Republican hands when they get around to it. …If they even do.



    How’s that vaunted rep after Trump is president for life?

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