Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us!

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This topic contains 442 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 2 months ago.

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    No genocide but war, which is what exactly what Israel is conducting in its own defense. It is what it is, no matter all the special pleading.

    That’s rich. It’s as if Israel earned none of the enmity against it. You’d think that a people forced into a diaspora would understand what it’s like to have to leave your homeland, forced out by foreign powers and a flood of Europeans wanting to take your homes and lands.



    Thanks Robert.

    I have since learned that his speech impediment is common knowledge. I used to wonder what else is common knowledge and yet i am in the dark. Then one day i walked into a church. Eye opener to secret life.

    I wanted to base my professional assessment (ahem, cough cough) on actual evidence so i randomly chose Obama’s inauguration. I just skipped through and listened to a few intervals here and there. I continue to be of the opinion that he has slipped. There is a marked difference even allowing for normal aging and the immense stress of his job. I concede that does not necessarily mean he is slipping cognitively.



    @ Jake

    There are many many instances of Biden being confused.



    @ Jake There are many many instances of Biden being confused.

    You can say that about Einstein as well. You go to any engineering, accounting, medical or law firm and find out who has the real knowledge and is capable of making the correct decisions, it’s the ancient professionals. That is why they get paid so much. They are worth it and when they retire all that know-how just walks out the door. Angry customers would call, and no one had answers for them. My company suffered a knowledge crisis when they offered an early retirement package, and more people took it than was expected. Sure, being aware of new technology is important, but it takes time to fully comprehend the key fundamentals of any complicated human endeavor.



    No genocide but war, which is what exactly what Israel is conducting in its own defense. It is what it is, no matter all the special pleading.

    That’s rich. It’s as if Israel earned none of the enmity against it. You’d think that a people forced into a diaspora would understand what it’s like to have to leave your homeland, forced out by foreign powers and a flood of Europeans wanting to take your homes and lands.

    Much of it was empty desert till the Israelis made something of it. They built the infrastructure. The Arabs were wandering nomads and the only thing that ignited any sort of “Palestinian identity” was the establishment of the Israeli state. You snooze, you lose. Peaceful Arabs have integrated into the civilized society of Israel, have good lives and of course they are anti-Jihadists who resent all this terrorism. Most Westerners have no idea how radicalized the Palestinian populace has become.



    From Robert:

    You can say that about Einstein as well. You go to any engineering, accounting, medical or law firm and find out who has the real knowledge and is capable of making the correct decisions, it’s the ancient professionals. That is why they get paid so much. They are worth it and when they retire all that know-how just walks out the door. Angry customers would call, and no one had answers for them. My company suffered a knowledge crisis when they offered an early retirement package, and more people took it than was expected. Sure, being aware of new technology is important, but it takes time to fully comprehend the key fundamentals of any complicated human endeavor.


    You are correct. In law experience is invaluable. Law school gives you a license. Experience gives you the know how.



    At this point, all of you are just kicking the half rotted corpse of a well well well dead horse. I would imagine by now, you’ve all restated your extreme, uncompromising stories about how one side is justified in doing atrocious things, are virtuous and the good guys in the story and the others are demonic evil monsters, irredeemable and solely responsible for the horrors that are happening.

    Seriously, let this god awful shit show of a thread die already please?



    Seriously, let this god awful shit show of a thread die already please?

    Yeah, I agree. It’s not like we are being held hostage or something.



    Davis how many times do i have to explain that humans are silly putty. In antebellum south Whites are almost universally slavers and see Blacks as inferior (even true among American intellectuals and abolitionists) and it is good sport to come out for a lynching. In Nazi Germany nearly all Germans are in the cult of Hitler. In war after war after war the enemy is demonized and unspeakable cruelty is meted out with impunity.

    And in the cult of Islam…

    That is the real culprit. That is not to besmirch individual Muslims. Those people are victims. Born into a cult? Good luck shedding the virus! You can say same for Orthodox Jews although i think cultural influences make it more probable that one born into that superstition tradition can make an egress emission.

    I am disgusted with the far left for obvious reasons. I am ready to let this topic go.


    Last week I was speaking with a friend in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine but we quickly ended the call when the air raid sirens started. Later he told me that the Russians had damaged the houses of his neighbors (no one died this time). In their ongoing efforts to remove all ‘the Nazis’ from Ukraine, the Russians are using drones provided by the Islamic government of Iran. This time the civilian homes they attacked were owned by a fourth generation extended Jewish family.

    It reminded us of a story from the start of the war. An old Jewish woman from Ukraine was telling a reporter that she was very grateful to the German people for taking her in when her village was attacked by the Russians. Seventy years earlier she had told a USSR newspaper that she was very grateful to the Russians for rescuing her from the concentration camp in Germany.

    I was telling my Palestinian friend (an atheist in Dublin) about how my friends in the US had recently been informed that their grandparents grave in Ohio had been daubed with swastikas. He was visibly upset. We paid the bakery for our delicious bagels and left.



    Shifting alliances. Migrating mind viruses. And the eternal circle of life symbolism in a bagel is only celebrated in a New York bagel with cream cheese, raw onion and lox. Please do not use smear and creem cheese in same sentence. It takes me to pap smear. There are rules to follow in decorating one’s bagel prior to consumption. OK? Do not mix butter and jam. Just don’t. If it is a store bagel and you are in a rush you are permitted to add skippy. Not so for an apex bagel. Other rules will remain in abeyance.

    Ya know there were Jews who were taken in by Chinese during holocaust and a great camaradarie between those ethnic groups emerged untethered by migrating viruses. Lifelong friendships, yipee. It may explains the preference American Jews have for Chinese restaurants. Won ton soup. Chop Suey Louie. Egg food yong but not egg drop soup. It does not however explain the oft-cited notion that 45 minutes after you eat Chinese food you are hungry again.



    Shifting alliances. Migrating mind viruses. And the eternal circle of life symbolism in a bagel is only celebrated in a New York bagel with cream cheese, raw onion and lox. Please do not use smear and creem cheese in same sentence. It takes me to pap smear. There are rules to follow in decorating one’s bagel prior to consumption. OK? Do not mix butter and jam. Just don’t. If it is a store bagel and you are in a rush you are permitted to add skippy. Not so for an apex bagel. Other rules will remain in abeyance. Ya know there were Jews who were taken in by Chinese during holocaust and a great camaradarie between those ethnic groups emerged untethered by migrating viruses. Lifelong friendships, yipee. It may explains the preference American Jews have for Chinese restaurants. Won ton soup. Chop Suey Louie. Egg food yong but not egg drop soup. It does not however explain the oft-cited notion that 45 minutes after you eat Chinese food you are hungry again.




    I am ready to let this topic go.




    You know Jake, they always say it is that good, deep, cool New York water that makes those city bagels supreme. Same goes for those pretzels. Extra mustard, please.




    At this point, all of you are just kicking the half rotted corpse of a well well well dead horse. I would imagine by now, you’ve all restated your extreme, uncompromising stories about how one side is justified in doing atrocious things, are virtuous and the good guys in the story and the others are demonic evil monsters, irredeemable and solely responsible for the horrors that are happening.

    Seriously, let this god awful shit show of a thread die already please?

    War is over…if Hamas wants it…or is left to want it.

Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 443 total)

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