The plus side of the establishment of Israel…

Homepage Forums Politics The plus side of the establishment of Israel…

This topic contains 177 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jakelafort 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    1. Guilty Europeans have helped repay Jews for murdering millions of them by helping to give them their original homeland back. A place they can and will defend themselves against ever-present antisemitic forces. A place they were mostly forced out of by Romans, Christian crusaders and then various Muslim invasions of the region. The Jewish diaspora that scattered them all over the planet.

    If there ever was a persistent historical theme, it is the Jewish aspiration to return to Zion. This has suffused Jewish thought since the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile.

    That is the list. If this causes hardships for Arab jihadists who apparently need some more sand and rubble, they can suck it up.



    Every tyranny is masked in righteous indignation.

    The tyranny of the far left and its puppets mindlessly and with righteous indignation parading and trumpeting the lies. Reason it defies. Sleep of reason produces monsters. It is a deep deep coma and persistent vegetative state. It is almost beyond imagination how STUPID and easily led the masses are. Oh the facade of education and thin veneer. And all sides convicted in their beliefs.

    Onward moronic soldiers.

    I will have the yellow tail. I will have the yellow tail. Go to. Go to….



    1. …

    1. Guilty Europeans have helped repay Jews for murdering millions of them by helping to give them their original homeland back. A place they can and will defend themselves against ever-present antisemitic forces. A place they were mostly forced out of by Romans, Christian crusaders and then various Muslim invasions of the region. The Jewish diaspora that scattered them all over the planet.

    I was asking how the creation of Israel made the world a better, less risky, safer place. Your answer doesn’t provide an answer. The creation of Israel has done the opposite in just about every respect, it’s become a thorn in the world’s side. Like I said, it’s not about the Jews. It would be the same if we were talking about establishing a “safe homeland” to protect gypsies, gays, women, or atheists.

    The creation of Pakistan provides another example of best-intended plans gone awry.




    I’m not sure where Yellow Tail ties in here, but Ripple and Night Train are more the speed of modern-day Academia. They like to be drunk on Postmodernism good and fast, have a junk food hors d’ourves of Nihilism, then spew bile all over everything around them:



    1. …

    1. Guilty Europeans have helped repay Jews for murdering millions of them by helping to give them their original homeland back. A place they can and will defend themselves against ever-present antisemitic forces. A place they were mostly forced out of by Romans, Christian crusaders and then various Muslim invasions of the region. The Jewish diaspora that scattered them all over the planet.

    I was asking how the creation of Israel made the world a better, less risky, safer place. Your answer doesn’t provide an answer. The creation of Israel has done the opposite in just about every respect, it’s become a thorn in the world’s side. Like I said, it’s not about the Jews. It would be the same if we were talking about establishing a “safe homeland” to protect gypsies, gays, women, or atheists. The creation of Pakistan provides another example of best-intended plans gone awry.

    Israel makes the world a better, less risky, safer place for Jews. There is strength in their concentrated numbers and sovereign borders that has been lacking for 3,000 years. I don’t understand how Pakistan or Israel is any different from the US or Argentina. At some point enough external and internal momentum was in place to create a nation. Some nations are birthed through wars or revolution, some are the result of unity or treaties. It matters not.

    We could even debate if nationhood is good. Better to just have “One World”.  However, we are very tribal apes, so the “One World” idea is a hard sell.




    Unseen and Fellow Unbelievers,

    Here’s a noteworthy story:

    Hamas Tortured Me for Dissent. Here’s What They Really Think of Palestinians | Opinion
    Story by Hamza Howidy • 3mo

    Under Hamas, Hamza Hawidy was a puppet on strings amd was a Hawidy-Doody doing Hamas’ Duty Time!

    But in Israel, the strings were cut and Hamza Hawidy became his own man with his own mind and his own voice and it became Hamza Hawidy Time!

    As Buffalo Bob Smith would say: “Such A Deal!”

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling


    Unseen and Fellow Unbelievers, Here’s a noteworthy story: Hamas Tortured Me for Dissent. Here’s What They Really Think of Palestinians | Opinion Story by Hamza Howidy • 3mo Under Hamas, Hamza Hawidy was a puppet on strings amd was a Hawidy-Doody doing Hamas’ Duty Time! But in Israel, the strings were cut and Hamza Hawidy became his own man with his own mind and his own voice and it became Hamza Hawidy Time! As Buffalo Bob Smith would say: “Such A Deal!”

    We Palestinians have a saying: “Hope is born from the womb of suffering.” I hope that after the war, that after Hamas been defeated, we can create a real, lasting peace for both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Many Gazans are praying for this, too.

    How is it that so many people have yet to figure out that prayer is bullshit?

    Hamas is not that many. Palestinians could have ended this themselves a long time ago. They are too busy hating Jews to destroy their real enemy. Plenty of them are complicit in the Jihadism. They are useful idiots, the human shields, helping to build tunnels under hospitals, driving the trucks that ship-in ammo, teaching their kids to hate. Well, I guess anyone with half a brain, like the author, would eventually figure a way to get out of there. That’s what happens when you let authoritarians take over and just watch. You lose momentum. I mean how shitty does it need to get?



    Significance of Yellow Tail add?

    Stream of consciousness scribbles, Enco. Geeeeeeshh..

    I continue to listen to apostates for most part from middle east but yesterday i listened to Gad Saad. Dya know this guy? Interesting story. Jew from Lebanon which he described as the most enlightened state outside Israel in middle east. He is a professor, author, mathematician, philosopher. He was a dhimmi. But during the brutal Lebanese civil war it was naturally worse for Jews than others. He and his family were extremely fortunate to have escaped with their lives. Moved to Montreal. The Jew hatred there is so outstanding presently he has to move again.

    Anyways Gad related a story from his childhood. He is in class and teacher asks the student kids what they want to become. So standard shit, police officer, fireman blaah blah. And one kid says i want to become a Jew killer. Class erupts in applause. And this is in liberal Lebanon. Again all of my prior knowledge about the way Jews are regarded in middle east is confirmed without any evidence to the contrary. Taught in schools, in mosques, at home, on the street. It is an integral and reflexive aspect of life in middle east. As long as this state of affairs continues a tinder box is present.

    I keep reading or hearing the new term useful idiots mostly to describe the far left. It is interesting how language is adopted and incorporated. We monkey men and women are subject to catchy phrases and sometimes trite shit too. When i was practicing law i was at a meeting of lawyers after hours and i said the word adduce. After i spoke almost everyone used the word. Afterwords my legal partner said i knew they were all gonna be saying adduce. What the deuce?

    I watched a female student from Columbia who is complaining about antisemitism there. So she is part native american, part black and part jewish. She said she always felt uplifted until this recent BS by virtue of her minority statuses. The left champions minorities and the oppressed except for Jews. And then really they don’t even do that in the 3rd world. Their obsession with Jew hatred focuses their attention on evil zionist Israel. So 99 percent of the oppressed are oppressed and little attention or care is given. Interesting thing about evil and tiny Israel is that it is 20 percent Arab, and largely Mizrahi aka Jews from middle east. So the 1 million who were kicked out of their native Arab nations which of course is not important and i am sure known by very few college students who bleed dodger blue for Gazans and could care less about actual genocides went to Israel. It isn’t even a particularly White (and therefore association with evil west colonialist zionists) nation. The only ethnic cleansings that count fit into the childish lefty narratives. Oh fuck, time to find torture hill and get in my quotidian licking.



    And i just realized the geeeeessh is a Davis word but i used it in a way Davis does not. A mock geeeesh.



    Wow. Try to imagine the mass college/university protests happening now had Israel never been created.

    The creation of Israel has us reliving the 1960’s!



    Israel makes the world a better, less risky, safer place for Jews. There is strength in their concentrated numbers and sovereign borders that has been lacking for 3,000 years. I don’t understand how Pakistan or Israel is any different from the US or Argentina. At some point enough external and internal momentum was in place to create a nation. Some nations are birthed through wars or revolution, some are the result of unity or treaties. It matters not.

    What matters, Robert, is recognizing the truth and learning from it so that in the future wiser choices can be made. To me, the creation of Israel was, in retrospect, a monumental mistake. To be unable to recognize and accept this fact is a matter of concern. One needn’t feel this way or that about the Jews to recognize that it was a mistake.

    Anyway, good for the Jews, but look at the price we’re paying. The difference between Pakistan and Israel and the creation of the U.S. and Argentina, or any other North or South American country was the inability of the pre-Bronze Age Native Americans to effectively repel the technologically more advanced Europeans plus the debilitating diseases the Europeans brought with them.

    Have you not become familiar with the points made by Jared Diamond in his by now classic book Guns, Germs, and Steel? Its main points are set forth in a multipart series available on Youtube. Here’s the first part:





    I’m familiar with the name. That story from Gad Saad was Gad Damn Sad.

    One good thing from all this. I had mentioned some time back that according to Wokeism, Jews do not even rate under the Totem Pole of Intersectional Oppression. I’m glad you’ve researched this and seen this for yourself.

    Really, those considered Oppressed themselves don’t even rate if they don’t toe the ideological line of Wokeism. Hence, you get such absurdities as privileged “white” college kids condemning a “black” police officer as a “White Supremacist.”

    And i just realized the geeeeessh is a Davis word but i used it in a way Davis does not. A mock geeeesh.

    Just make sure to look busy when he comes back in six months or he’ll say “geeeesh” again.




    Wow. Try to imagine the mass college/university protests happening now had Israel never been created.

    The creation of Israel has us reliving the 1960’s!

    Had it not been for the establishment of Israel and the awareness it raised, elite institutions like Columbia, Harvard, and Cambridge might still be using skull calipers and imposing quotas on Jewish applicants.

    Well, if these institutions are going to continue tolerating chaos and thuggery on their campuses and brainwashing students with absurdities at great cost and leaving graduates with worthless diplomas and life-crushing debt, these institutions may have to root, hog, or die on their own, maybe sooner than they think:

    2024 Republicans want to eliminate the Education Department. What would that look like?
    BY LEXI LONAS – 08/27/23 6:00 AM ET

    2024 Republicans want to eliminate the Education Department. What would that look like?

    Now for all that are bellyaching that this would mean an end to education, I ask: Are there no Guttenberg Projects and Are there no Great Courses and Khan Academies online? Are there no YouTube, Curiosity, and Nebula Streaming channels? Are there no plain old Schools of Hard Knocks? And won’t they all be better without tenured, tax-subsidized purveyors of irrationality and hatred?

    Bring it on, I say!



    Enco, not only do Jews not rate for intersectional oppression but are singled out and victimized by the racist left. And in spite of a history that is overwhelmingly as oppressed people and yet they are the oppressors under the most trying dynamic. Arabs surrounding them who want them dead, who want their land, who are liable to start wars against them and terrorism constantly. In fact from what i have read zionism was a minority position among Jews until the threat of utter extermination caused a change of heart. And were the actual oppressors not oppressing Jews for centuries culminating in you know what i doubt Israel would have ever been born. Instead Arabs who had their own nationalism and pan arab movements would have probably fought like motherfuckers for control of the holy land and normal Islamic oppression would have applied. Ya know, the kind that does not matter unless Jews are the perceived oppressors. But you can hate on zionism without hating Jews! You can be hypercritical of Israel’s government while looking the other way in every other place and it is not about your Jew hatred. You can spin BS narratives to calumniate a people. Sell that shit to someone who has had a lobotomy.

    Ya know it is also crazy to think those labeled oppressors are always the bad guys and the oppressed always the good guys. It is such a simpleton’s equation. Life has nuance and nebulous areas. We all have the capacity under the right circumstances to be mofos.



    Oh and i’d be remiss if i did not mention how the mind virus of Islam is sacrosanct among the left.

    It is so fucking kafkaesque that it is like our reality is a fantasy.

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