THE TRINITY Explained in PLAIN LANGUAGE by Jesus Hisself

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This topic contains 82 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jakelafort 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  Unseen.

    And my bro’ the Holy Ghost impregnated my mother so I could be born in the form of an Earthling to save y’all from yourselves. In case Catholics ever forget this I commanded them to drink my blood and eat of my flesh. For doing this in remembrance of me I will make them immortals like myself and they can then bask in my glory for all time.



    Ya gotta marvel and be in awe when you contemplate here’s a guy who knows all and has all the power creates a complex universe that is so recondite that the physicists only scratch the surface and yet resorts to primitive and barbaric thaumaturgy that resonates with millions of believers.


    Thanks Jake for “barbaric thaumaturgy“. Added to my collection when discussing topics of theological flummery.



    And my bro’ the Holy Ghost impregnated my mother so I could be born in the form of an Earthling to save y’all from yourselves  me and daddy who is me and my bro who is also me.



    Reg i confess to be flummoxed by flummery. Having cast my bread upon the water it comes back buttered and tasting peculiarly similar to Jesus’ ass.


    Robert,  thanks for correction. Its theological so it can be changed to suit any situation.

    Jakelafort, I can hear Joe Biden telling us its all “a bunch of malarkey”.




    Being both a devout and deranged Catholic, there isn’t anything to be heard from Biden except the sound of drooling that rolls like tears of Mary at sundry and various icons and avatars throughout the world.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Rephrased for grammar. Making Biden the proper object


    Enco why do you dump on Biden? You got a dozen disparaging pet names. I did not notice that for Trump. I am no fan of Biden. But at least he is a human being who seems to have a conscience unlike Trump.



    The Trinity is the invention of Rome under the Emperor Constantine, who also persecuted true Christianity




    What is defined as Christianity today is just a straw man fallacy and easy to refute. There are no miracles, no  true casting out of devils and cleansing of lepers, the true signs that follow them that believe. Emperor Constantine was a pagan and his parochial authority massacred the bearers of the truth under the guise of imposing orthodoxy. The Nicene Creed is a pagan fabrication and void of signs from God, yet adhered to by the billions.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.


    How can it be M number 17 doesn’t know every Christian says the same thing? That their brand of noise is the one true religion. Same for Muslims. Same for all of them, each little sect or individual has found the one truth. Brilliant.



    Michael I cannot make any sense out of what you just said. It is word soup. Please provide a clear, legible, comprehensible explanation.



    Michael I cannot make any sense out of what you just said. It is word soup. Please provide a clear, legible, comprehensible explanation.

    When pigs can fly.

    Michael is the sole inhabitant of Everythingyouknowiswrongland.




    You said elsewhere that you work for the government. Do you work for some secret division investigating hauntings at abandoned military bases or identifying and taking out shape-shifting reptilians? Surely you must be applying your esoteric knowledge to something useful.

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