THE TRINITY Explained in PLAIN LANGUAGE by Jesus Hisself

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This topic contains 82 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jakelafort 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    Primogeniture and ever changing alliances caused an admixture so that it is arbitrary and self-serving to conclude as you have that 3 bloodlines remain. Michael have you considered that you are the shining star of confirmation bias?

    See the  response to Davis.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.


    Michael, the aliens arrive and require each adult to assert Yes or No to personal gods on penalty of execution for the wrong assertion. Which of us will have the greater anxiety at the moment of truth?

    Perhaps your last thought will be…Where did i go wrong?



    Thankful am I the creator populated earth with humans and cockroaches in an incomprehensible universe after millions of years of evolution and furnished a guidebook with clear mandates so that no dissension, discrimination or hatred would ensue. Otherwise we would have sectarian violence, internecine warfare, slavery, terrorism, bloody revolutions and assorted malevolence.”

    From the beginning of the sons of Adam we were beset with spiritual warfare. And because of our unbelieve, the world is in travail as a woman about to give birth: Wars, famine, earthquakes and pestilence in various places shall increase with intensity until those martyred by parochial and orthodox authorities rise from their graves. Covid-19 is not the beginning of sorrows, but a continuation with increasing intensity.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.


    Michael, I never got into comic books. I will leave the comic book content to you.



    Oh and by the way absence of belief depicted as the cause of all our troubles and suffering is bad writing. Piss poor, in fact..

    Perhaps you should switch comic books. Or drop em entirely.



    And at the risk of failing to convey an obvious point-it is great for cults to insist on belief and failing that all manner of suffering and calamity will result but it strains credulity in anyone rational to imagine creator of the universe who has a hissy fit over that. If it were important to a creator then the creator is a two bit narcissistic dictator. If the creator fails to inspire belief the creator is incompetent and lacking in omnis.



    And at the risk of failing to convey an obvious point-it is great for cults to insist on belief and failing that all manner of suffering and calamity will result but it strains credulity in anyone rational to imagine creator of the universe who has a hissy fit over that. If it were important to a creator then the creator is a two bit narcissistic dictator. If the creator fails to inspire belief the creator is incompetent and lacking in omnis.

    It is the actions as a result of unbelief. If sin is avoided while in unbelieve then sleeping dogs lie.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  michael17.


    Proof is in history. BELIEF is the problem. Not just god(s) either-god substitutes or surrogates as well.

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)

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