Why Atheists Need Guns

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Belle Rose 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #43335


    Is love a drug?

    Is religion the opiate of the masses?

    Never knew bout no spinners or deltas and would have taken those plants for poison ivy. An impoverished edification in the bowels of American college life got me acquainted with bong hits and resin hits, hash on a pin, mushroom tripping for the win and ersatz education to foster a craven nation. Not sure why i like that song Pumped up Kicks…




    Fair enough. As for the photo, down in your basement? Guaranteeing you’ll never run out, eh?

    BTW, old marijuana joke:

    This kid got a joint from his local high school connection and was enjoying it when he heard his mom coming back earlier than expected from a shopping trip, so he pried open the door on the nearby cuckoo clock and stuck it in. Turns out, mom had forgot something and soon was gone. So, he went to the clock and tried to pry the door open, but this time it wouldn’t give, so he knew he’d have to wait to the top of the hour, which was coming up soon anyway, so he waited. Finally, the door flipped open and slowly the little cuckoo bird came out. However, instead of going “Cuckoo!” it stopped for a couple seconds and said, “Say, man, what taaahm is it?”


    @unseen – I would never keep my children locked up the basement!! 🙂

    It is a cultivation room in a farm about 600 miles south of you that I have an interest in. All completely legal and fully complaint to CA standards.


    If I were to grow them at home I would seek guidance and answers in the good book.


    Belle Rose

    @Reg omg the Bible is real!!!! 😂 😂 😂

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