Why would Anyone Want to go to Heaven?

Homepage Forums Theism Why would Anyone Want to go to Heaven?

This topic contains 17 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jakelafort 1 year, 11 months ago.

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    I was told that in Heaven the “saved” praise God constantly. Sounds like fun(?). No thanks. I’ll take extinction over that.


    Sounds like some cosmic ego maniac who throws a hissy fit whenever anyone else gets any attention. When I used to go to church, a man whom everybody said was a prophet came and said al this emphasis on praise is more about what’s good for the Christian music industry than what God needs. Now when the clergy tell you it’s all shit, believe that if nothing else.



    Hi! I’am not at the eternal life planet yet but I hope the Elohim can dig up my grave and recreate me using the human cloning machine to give me immortal life by whatever cell sample they take from my dead body on Earth.



    Planets are not eternal. Throw that in your journal.

    Another human. Yeah i fuckin well believe we share 99 percent…

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