Atheism and Spirituality
RichRaelian joined the group
Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 6 months ago
rhonjon replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
It happens to the best of us.
Unseen replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
We won’t find out. We can’t even remember the early days of this life. Being slapped by a doctor while we hung upside down. Letting go of the coffee table and taking out first step. Once we cross the river Stix in another existence the most we’ll have is the same choice between unfalsifiable spiritual hopes and cold reaso…
rhonjon replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
We won’t find out. We can’t even remember the early days of this life. Being slapped by a doctor while we hung upside down. Letting go of the coffee table and taking out first step. Once we cross the river Stix in another existence the most we’ll have is the same choice between unfalsifiable spiritual hopes and cold reason.
Unseen replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
General anesthesia is a perfect analogy. The brain is part of the physical body and once it’s dead, it’s dead. Because I cannot undo my experiences, I can’t know if my feelings of something beyond my physical body may just be a result of decades of Christian indoctrination. If I’d grown up in a Buddhist society, I might interpr…
rhonjon replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
General anesthesia is a perfect analogy. The brain is part of the physical body and once it’s dead, it’s dead. Because I cannot undo my experiences, I can’t know if my feelings of something beyond my physical body may just be a result of decades of Christian indoctrination. If I’d grown up in a Buddhist society, I might interpret my dreams and une…[Read more]
Unseen replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
I often wonder what it will be like when I die. I can’t shake the feeling that it’s going to “be like” something.
The problem with wondering what something is like is that you need something else to compare it to. “Langostinos taste a lot like lobsters,” for example.
At the heart of trying to comprehend death is to accept the fac…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
I don’t see anything wrong with going with the flow of those feelings. Feelings of one’s connectivity to the world are in themselves essential motivations to keep making and celebrating new connections.
Do you ever get goosebumps from music? Sometimes I do, and it proves to me that something deep within me is stirred. Although I’ve rarely ever…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
Hi rhonjon – I often wonder what it will be like when I die.
It will feel the same to you as the year before you were born does now.
How many songs have you heard that never had the sensation of being coincidental to what you were currently doing? I think we overestimate the amount of times something like that happens to us.
rhonjon started the topic
Spirituality without Religion in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
An atheist is a person who doesn’t believe in God. Anything else a person may or may not believe in is ancillary to the term atheist. So, yes, an atheist can still be spiritual. We have unanswered questions but are not satisfied with religions unquestioned answers.
I have had experiences in my life that I cannot honestly dismiss as co…[Read more]
rhonjon joined the group
Atheism and Spirituality 1 year, 11 months ago
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 2 years, 4 months ago
Revisiting this topic helped clarify in my mind how I wish to keep using terms like spiritual, sacred, and perhaps other words previously invented and/or owned by writers of religious or metaphysical texts. Some usages of the word sacred, for example, are of secular context.
For as long as I can remember I always felt that spirituality refers to…[Read more]
David joined the group
Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
Sean posted an update in the group
Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
I would define spirituality (a word I don’t use often) as the sum total of my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and choices. A lot of other things hang off these basic items. It’s a work in progress.
Unseen replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
I think you raise a good point: this “Great Spirit” is amoral…
And as such, is unworthy of much respect or regard.
Jody Lee replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
it would seem to imply you are saying that there is “agency” involved in the process. There is not.
I’m not meaning to imply that at all…but I think you know that. I’m standing by my word…perhaps I’ll just avoid bringing it up around a group of atheists next time unless I’m ready to defend. 😆😎
“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
@JodyLee Our vibrating mass of molecules that we call our bodies, our subconscious and conscious minds, the variety of frequencies we experience….that’s spiritual, the essence of living to me. On a small scale.
The first part – Our vibrating mass of molecules that we call our bodies….that’s spiritual…
If you were to say that when you came to u…[Read more]
Sean joined the group
Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
I’ve learned (thanks to @JodyLee‘s discussion) that what spirituality means to people is very personal; or rather, the way it is expressed is very personal. This reflects the fact that everyone lives their lives in their own way.
I agree, and endeavor to keep learning the depth of this very uniquely-human evol…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Atheist seeking spirituality? in the forum Atheism and Spirituality 5 years, 5 months ago
I’ve learned (thanks to @JodyLee‘s discussion) that what spirituality means to people is very personal; or rather, the way it is expressed is very personal. This reflects the fact that everyone lives their lives in their own way.
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