Atheist Cats
marisa joined the group Atheist Cats 6 years, 10 months ago
frb joined the group Atheist Cats 6 years, 11 months ago
Marti Harris joined the group Atheist Cats 6 years, 11 months ago
JadeBlackOlive posted an update in the group Atheist Cats 7 years ago
blackcat joined the group Atheist Cats 7 years ago
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Someone tell me how to insert a Youtube video as Davis did. I don’t see the option. As such, here’s a LINK to a video where you can hear a mountain lion scream.
I found out by accident. I was so tired of trying to figure out how to post a youtube video, I decided to just copy and paste the full link. Turns out the web…
Davis replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Someone tell me how to insert a Youtube video as Davis did. I don’t see the option. As such, here’s a LINK to a video where you can hear a mountain lion scream.
I found out by accident. I was so tired of trying to figure out how to post a youtube video, I decided to just copy and paste the full link. Turns out the website auto…[Read more]
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Someone tell me how to insert a Youtube video as Davis did. I don’t see the option. As such, here’s a LINK to a video where you can hear a mountain lion scream.
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
The American big cat, the mountain lion (cougar, puma, panther, catamount), is said to be the largest cat who purrs. They don’t have a roar, but rather a scream or howl. BTW, according to some classifications it’s the biggest of the small cats (because it purrs?), which is silly because it’s about the same size as a leopard and can kill full grown…[Read more]
Davis replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Quick and somewhat informative. Cheetahs, for example, have very nice purrs
Davis joined the group Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Strega replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
@unseen oh yes, it’s indeed soothing for us humans – in fact the same study that is looking into the healing frequency of purrs is looking at the effect of 25MgHz vibrations on humans to establish if it also assists our healing. Wouldn’t that be something!?
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
@unseen Some wild cats purr too. Apparently, the cats that purr can’t roar, and those that can roar can’t purr. The purring is currently being studied as potentially a healing activity. The idea is that the frequency helps bones and cuts to heal much faster!
I have heard that. Interesting. Still, I don’t think there’s much doubt tha…[Read more]
Strega replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
@unseen Some wild cats purr too. Apparently, the cats that purr can’t roar, and those that can roar can’t purr. The purring is currently being studied as potentially a healing activity. The idea is that the frequency helps bones and cuts to heal much faster!
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, that is really interesting. It does seem like “attachment” is probably the main function.
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Some people say it’s a healing mechanism. But I observe that cats purr when they’re happy. So if it was a healing mechanism, they would purr when they’re sad or in pain.
“Not all cat purrs are purrs of contentment. Cats purr when they are stressed, in pain, or severely ill. Often, cats at the end of life will purr. Cats enter…[Read more]
Unseen replied to the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Anyone who knows cats knows that cats, when they do anything, do it because they fucking well feel like doing it.
Simon Paynton started the topic Why do cats purr?" in the forum Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
Some people say it’s a healing mechanism. But I observe that cats purr when they’re happy. So if it was a healing mechanism, they would purr when they’re sad or in pain.
Maybe this is it. The mummy cat and the kitten purr to each other to show that they are happy and feeling good. Therefore, the reason for purring is bonding between mot…[Read more]
Simon Paynton joined the group Atheist Cats 7 years, 1 month ago
private posted an update in the group Atheist Cats 7 years, 2 months ago
On October 23rd I finally overcame my cowardice and got another rescue cat (why do they always die too soon?). OMG! This one is a pistol, a snowball with pink ears, a dive-bomber and toe-biter, only one year old and guilty of terminal cuteness. Already I am fearing the loss of this beautiful creature who, unaccountably, seems to love me a whole…[Read more]
That’s so sweet, Private! I think that cats are usually fairly indestructible, because they’re mostly mongrels. My mum just had a little long-haired white cat move in, she just came in lost out of nowhere, and for the first year she was there, she was the happiest cat you’ve ever seen. Apparently she has Maine Coon because she is very friendly…[Read more]
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