I have my web site. The problem I have (that I identify) is that my writing is very clunky. It’s difficult to put down bits of facts and research piecemeal and expect it to read nicely. I notice that other writers on a similar subject (morality) know their material like a charm, and so they can just reel it off when needed, and it really flows.
I’ve been doing it around 5-6 years, and gone from knowing not a lot to pretty much figuring out the subject, with the help of some excellent giants. So I’ll just have to go on assimilating the material until I can reel it off like a pro.
@regthefronkeyfarmer – I feel your book will be a success, since you seem to be very good at that kind of thing (converting people away from religion), and also, good at writing. What kind of stuff are you putting in it? Have you considered the “overlapping magisteria” – a scientific treatment of the spiritual meat and drink of religion (i.e. my web site)? It’s like a “third way”.
@popebeanie – do you write stuff, have a blog, etc.?