
Development of Consciousness

This topic contains 20 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 5 years ago.

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    If we compare our probable survival duration to that of sharks or roaches I would venture to say that consciousness and frontal lobe development will prove to be a detriment to survival. In fact as self aware beings with wants and desires we have diminished ability to avoid changing the very environment we evolved to live in.


    Simon Paynton

    You could say we’re too clever for our own good.  It may be that consciousness – awareness, intelligence, language and moral guidance, among other things – are there to use for cooperating, and doing complex things, in a social world.


    Simon Paynton

    What I find fascinating is the way that the pressure to thrive/survive/reproduce combines with consciousness to produe the ego – that “machine for looking after you”.

    If you think about it, the ego is constantly monitoring one’s environment, ferreting out opportunities and, especially, threats.


    Simon Paynton

    In fact, Freud might have said that the ego is that part of consciousness that looks after you in the short and long term.


    Simon Paynton

    Freud said that part of the ego exists in the unconscious.  I think this is true, i.e., there is a part of consciousness that is “unconscious”, and part of the ego operates within it.

    What is the unconscious?  I think it contains things that are known to the mind but not to conscious awareness.  Those things might be dynamic manoeuvres like subconscious ego defenses (things we do in order to cope).  Subconscious ego defences are generally maladaptive for some reason.  Conscious ego defenses are generally adaptive (thought through, reasonable, and constructive).

    The subconscious might also contain facts, opinions, desires.  Freud (or maybe it was Jung) must have been right when he said those things constitute the Shadow or the repressed side of ourselves we do not find consciously acceptable.


    It was Jung who wrote about the Shadow Self.

    (Your much too Jung to be aFreud).

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