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Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 2 weeks, 3 days ago
@PopeBeanie – Yes, Once I got my teeth sunk into it, there was over 400 years of research to investigate. Or is it 500? At times it felt like I had bitten off more than I could chew. I don’t chew much anyway. It was a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Thankful, none of it was mine!
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Your work on this research is appreciated!
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 3 days ago
I sense His real presence every day. Well, every night I guess.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Great, I was sure my deductions were logical. The first vampires were very smart as they refused to engage with the stake in the garden. No downfall for them!
All you need to do is read Bram Stoker’s book to fully believe. His power is revealed in it.
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 3 days ago
This is so good. I think I do believe in Dracula!
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 4 days ago
“Faith, that faculty which enables us to believe things which we know to be untrue.”
― Bram Stoker, Dracula -
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 4 days ago
I think we are onto something profound here. Today is the 18th and 1+8 =9
Belle Rose replied to the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Dracula also proves the existence of Jesus. Why else would a powerful vampire be afraid of a Crucifix?? Think about that while I go out for a bite to drink.
I died laughing 😆 😂 🤣🤣🤣
you just proved the existence of God! 👏
Belle Rose joined the group
Random Posts 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Reg the Fronkey Farmer started the topic
The Mathematical proof for Dracula, The ONE! in the forum Random Posts 3 weeks, 4 days ago
The Mathematical proof of Dracula, The ONE
- Dracula Defined:
- Dracula is the Unholy Singular, the One Being of Night and Shadows.
- He embodies binary opposition: Light (0) and Dark (1). In binary, he is 101, representing his unique nature as neither fully alive (0) nor fully dead (1).
- The Clock as Evidence:
- At midnight, the…
- Dracula Defined:
jakelafort posted an update in the group
Random Posts 1 month, 1 week ago
Morality as a concept is academic unless it is to decide the big issues we are confronted by in day to day life. In terms of morality of governments? Religions? Autocrats? Humans in cults, ideologues in ideological groups? As i have indicated humans are led. There is nobody home to discern right from wrong. Even the most obvious betrayals of…[Read more]
RichRaelian replied to the topic
Short Videos (e.g. like TikTok) in the forum Random Posts 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi! I enjoy a lot of short videos when I log into Facebook.
Unseen replied to the topic
Short Videos (e.g. like TikTok) in the forum Random Posts 1 year, 7 months ago
I’m diabetic and came close to death by hypoglycemia once. I passed out, but luckily just before doing so, swallowed some candy. I digested enough candy while unconscious to wake up and take further life-saving steps.
The most commonly used method involving a cocktail of drugs and chemicals seems ridiculously too complicated and subject to…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Short Videos (e.g. like TikTok) in the forum Random Posts 1 year, 7 months ago
Yeah, I see where you’re coming from. A large part of me wants to debunk some of the ways outer space deaths are dramatized in science fiction, e.g. bulging eyes and other highly graphic renditions. And in the same vein, with my interest in animal and human physiology, I’m recently considering the most “humane” kinds of capital punishment, e.g. by…[Read more]
RichRaelian replied to the topic
Short Videos (e.g. like TikTok) in the forum Random Posts 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi! I’am not sure I want to know what it feels like to die in a vacuum.
PopeBeanie started the topic
Short Videos (e.g. like TikTok) in the forum Random Posts 1 year, 7 months ago
What happens when a space suit’s air pressure drops to zero? As one who went to commercial dive school and was once a certified scuba instructor, this breathable oxygen and air pressure is interesting to me, and I never would have guessed the outcome of the test shown in the video below.
As an aside, the first astronaut and cosmonaut deaths were…[Read more]
RichRaelian joined the group
Random Posts 1 year, 8 months ago
jakelafort posted an update in the group
Random Posts 3 years, 1 month ago
Planet of the apes?
Monkey business fake news?Maharashtra: Angry monkeys exact revenge by killing 250 dogs after a puppy kills a baby monkey
jakelafort replied to the topic
Bloggy Posts, example in the forum Random Posts 3 years, 4 months ago
Pope, i heard that same idea in re to the rapid population of a galaxy from Neil Tyson on a Sam Harris podcast. The notion of a free market of ideas is nonsense but the notion of a rubber is glue, bounces off of me and sticks to you market is somewhat apt.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Bloggy Posts, example in the forum Random Posts 3 years, 4 months ago
So, who’s safer now? A Jew living in Paris, New York, or Copenhagen, or a Jew living in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Haifa?
Same question about Palestinians, albeit in this case I pose the question more cynically.
Thinking now of larger contexts, and how humanity’s taken an evolved penchant for band and tribal competitions and e…[Read more]
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