Joel Osteen blames ‘forces of evil’ after shooting at his church because his God is in control.
Who’s who in “God & Country,” a new documentary about Christian nationalism.
God is unable to define what Jordan Peterson is.
A pastor comments on “religious nones”.
Muslim fundamentalists in the UK use religious identity and political grievances to subvert the secular democratic system.
World of Woo: Do you need help aligning your bio-frequencies?
Environment: 2023 was the hottest year on record.
The lasting impacts of scientific fraud.
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” — Joseph Brodsky
Long Reads: Alexei Navalny – The man the coward in the bunker fears. The story of Jesus is built on mythology and not history. The CRISPR revolution in GMO agriculture might at last be reaching Europe. Why does nature always follow a Bell curve? How I got scammed out of $50,000. The tragedies of Nicola Bulley: One Year Later. What the Samotsvety group can teach us about predicting the future.
Sunday Book Club: Economics in America.
Some photographs taken last week.
While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……
Coffee Break Video: From Genes to Memes: Philosopher Dan Dennett on the evolution of Language & AI. Every argument for Atheism. Intelligent Thinking about Artificial Intelligence.