Sunday School
Sunday School February 25th 2024
This topic contains 189 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Simon Paynton 10 months, 4 weeks ago.
March 1, 2024 at 9:37 am #52825
Even you has to know that such evidence only prove you have questionable taste in whom you choose as friends and associates and the wife-beating circles they move in. Either that or The Gods of Randomness got you real good.
You could say it’s evidence that patriarchy is everywhere unless reconstructed by feminism.
All the women I know have been raped and/or spiked and/or had domestic violence. None of the men have, although a couple were abused as children.
March 1, 2024 at 9:40 am #52826And guys like that dumbass pastor never see any sort of real justice. Karma is a bitch tho
Yes, on the one hand he’s come out and said sorry, which is a big thing in today’s climate. On the other hand he’s enabled a lot of rapists. I hope now he goes on a long journey of working to eradicate the rape culture he previously enabled.
March 1, 2024 at 6:36 pm #52831Davis All Fellow Unbelievers,
Sad that this has to be said: It is not “victim-blaming” or “enabling rape culture” to say that individuals–of any sex or orientation–should exercise situational awareness, exercise self-defense when in imminent danger of death or bodily harm, and contact law enforcement when you think a crime has taken place.
This is we how you have fewer victims, how you have fewer and no more rape cultures (or more precisely rape sub-cultures,) how we have a civilized and freer society, and how the species of Homo Sapiens has kept coordinates on this Planet and how whatever we become will survive and thrive here and throughout the Natural Universe.
As WBT’s Dan Starks always concluded his radio program on self-defense: “Fight With Your Mind!”
March 1, 2024 at 6:58 pm #52832All the women I know have been raped and/or spiked and/or had domestic violence. None of the men have, although a couple were abused as children.
I reiterate that either your choice of circles you move in is pretty poor or you’re the butt of a cosmic randomness joke.
Thinking back, I only know of three women who I know experienced anything like you described. And bear in mind that due to what I did as a photographer, I came into contact with several hundred women. One model showed up with signs of abuse and I paid for a taxi to take her to the ER. One was my bookkeeper. My daughter had a mentally abusive partner who she eventually and wisely divorced. That’s it.
As I pointed out earlier, we seem to have good, practical reasons for inheriting a patriarchic society and also that that is with the assent of many of the women so affected…to this day. In other words, they are of the opinion that the status quo doesn’t oppress them due to their gender. The point is, women are not a political bloc and deserve not to be treated as such.
How a society is structured affects everyone and at the same time everyone gets a say, so, as is always the case, some get what they want, some don’t.
March 1, 2024 at 8:21 pm #52834we seem to have good, practical reasons for inheriting a patriarchic society
Because men hold onto their power by force, and by more insidious, manipulative means. Women go along with it because they’ve been told it’s right / don’t want to be slut-shamed etc.
March 1, 2024 at 9:56 pm #52836Because men hold onto their power by force, and by more insidious, manipulative means. Women go along with it because they’ve been told it’s right / don’t want to be slut-shamed etc.
So, men are engaged in a sinister conspiracy, fearful of out of control women (I guess). Meanwhile, you depict women in a way that almost makes them seem deserving of being oppressed.
Your worldview:
Males: Evil power-obsessed conspirators afraid that fully-empowered women would (what?).
Females: Weak-willed quasi-children lacking the will to exercise any sort of agency.
March 2, 2024 at 2:50 am #52837You are indirectly victim blaming. Zheesh. We get ride of crime by stopping criminals and not enabling them. Again, people can do everything any other reasonable person would, and still be a victim. Your attitude simply enables things to go on the way they always have and makes it hard to change things.
March 2, 2024 at 2:50 am #52838You are indirectly victim blaming. Your entire commentary has been almost entirely about the victims and what they should do with little at all about rapists/predators and what they shouldn’t do (and how we can help stop them). We get rid of crime by stopping criminals and not enabling them. Again, people can do everything any other reasonable person would, and still be a victim. Your attitude simply enables things to go on the way they always have and makes it hard to change things.
This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by
March 2, 2024 at 8:15 am #52840@unseen – you seem to be thrashing around somewhat in your efforts to say that patriarchy doesn’t exist, or that women like being oppressed, or something.
A (as a group, with the help of all society) oppresses B (as a group, and individually). Does it follow that B people are “Weak-willed quasi-children lacking the will to exercise any sort of agency.”? No. It follows that B is likely to want to fight back.
Patriarchy is not presented as a “conspiracy among men”. It’s not that conscious. It exists as a set of social norms we’re born into. The fundamental premise is that there are two ways for men to reproduce with women: control and coercion, or making themselves attractive to women by various means. Control and coercion has been enshrined in society’s norms, because it’s easier and surer.
March 2, 2024 at 8:18 am #52841You are indirectly victim blaming.
Yes, maybe it’s the fault of rapists, rather than, you know, the people being raped. I saw on Facebook this column called Trad West (I think it was them – some right-wing Christian group) where they were saying that men would control themselves if women dressed modestly. Most sinister.
March 2, 2024 at 3:54 pm #52842Davis,
I’m not sure which of us you are addressing, but if what you’re directed to me, you clearly misunderstood.
Rapists are like any other plunderer of Life, Liberty, and Property: They only stop when their plunder is made more difficult, more painful, and, if necessary, more deadly than acting peacefully.
What I have proposed is just that. Rapists either stop or never start when faced with awareness, exposure, and resistance from would-be victims and everyone around them.
March 2, 2024 at 4:19 pm #52843Belle Rose,
I’ve learned the best way is to give out the “Don’t fuck with me vibe.” I keep everyone at a distance now I don’t trust anyone. I’ve also learned that there is no such thing as any sort of “real criminal justice.” The only thing you can count on is you to protect you. You have to be a warrior in this world. Safety is an illusion and a lie. There’s no such thing. And guys like that dumbass pastor never see any sort of real justice. Karma is a bitch tho 😉
My heart drops in my stomach when I think of all that you endured and are still enduring. My hope is that you stay safe and that, despite everything, Justice is served and your abuser stays away for good.
People like us who have taken “The Red Pill” and see how far form Justice we as a society are have a lot of work ahead.
Fortunately, you are not alone and there are others who have experienced what you have. Don’t hesitate to keep us informed and to reach out to others with your story.
Fortunately also, as our nation moves away from religion, that Pastor has fewer and fewer prospects to listen to his crap. That is some Justice and it means fewer will believe in the future.
March 2, 2024 at 5:11 pm #52844You are indirectly victim blaming. Zheesh. We get ride of crime by stopping criminals and not enabling them. Again, people can do everything any other reasonable person would, and still be a victim. Your attitude simply enables things to go on the way they always have and makes it hard to change things.
Blame? You blame someone for their misdeeds. No one is claiming anyone did anything wrong here, and besides as someone who doesn’t believe in free will, I don’t see things in praise/blame terms. I just think that some general behavioral differences come along with whether one gets an X or a Y. And if you want to criticize that, don’t forget that I used the word “general.” Y chromosome people tend to be less aggressive than X people for reasons that are entirely divorced from politics. And there, too, notice I used the word “tend.”
March 3, 2024 at 6:47 am #52850@The Enco
Thank you but honestly I really mean what I said and in an empowering way. I’m a warrior now and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
My biological Mom died today 😢
But I’m SO grateful that I knew her and knew the story of where I came from. People take that for granted. And I am who I am because of her probably more than anyone in this world. I always knew I was just like her. But now I also know that people are monsters and they don’t really give a shit about anyone but themselves 😂 😂 😂 so now I just laugh at everyone and take no one too seriously because everyone is full of shit 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 #Truth
March 3, 2024 at 7:49 am #52851But now I also know that people are monsters and they don’t really give a shit about anyone but themselves
I’m sorry to hear about your mother.
What I’ve learned is that people enjoy doing things together, that benefit them both. People are “mutualist”: what’s good for you is good for me. Also, I always remember this: people are mostly good, and a few are really good. (study of 1800 people.)
This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by
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