Sunday School

Sunday School July 19th 2015

This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    The video with former President Jimmy Carter was amazing….AMAZING!!!! I had meant to tell you that Reg. He gets it. He TOTALLY gets it in a way I could never have articulated so perfectly. I wish I could kiss the man! LOL!!!! We need more men like him in this world…and like you too 😉


    Thanks very much Belle. I try to include videos that give us a different perspective within different spheres of interest, especially if they can get to the heart of the matter they are explaining. I think one way to improve societies is to empower women by allowing girls to be educated. It is not a “woman’s problem”. It is an issue we all must address. In a world run by atheists this would be the norm, not the ideal. 🙂

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