Sunday School

Sunday School March 17th 2024

This topic contains 35 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  TheEncogitationer 10 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #53039

    Ralph Reed’s army plans $62 million spending spree to boost evangelical turnout.

    Megachurch pastors are legally not paying property taxes on their luxury homes.

    Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer: Every elected official in America is required “to worship God”.

    To combat hate and discrimination, colleges should teach religious tolerance.

    Far-right group trying to bully journalists from covering Christian nationalist extremism.

    NYU student delves into ongoing Christian indoctrination at Air Force Academy.

    What anti-abortion & anti-LGBTQ+ laws have in common.

    World of Woo: Tik Tok is a cesspool of wellness pseudoscience and misinformation.

    Environment: The more climate vulnerable a country is, the more complex and nuanced its climate journalism.

    The spurious War on Ranching.

    How did matter come to exist in our Universe?

    Are religions simply cults that have gone mainstream?

    How ancient civilizations reacted to Eclipses.

    Secularism is a feminist issue.

    Can Physics ease the sting of death?

     Podcast: A Muslim and a Jew go there.

    Long Reads: The secret society of right-wing Christian men prepping for a ‘national divorce’.  Conspiracy theory leaves Arizona county with a $200k problem.  The culture war alone cannot explain the civic rot on the populist Right.  The forgotten lessons of truly effective protest.  The many lifetimes of an old red bike.

    Sunday Book Club:  The Sea. (From 1001 Books and I will be hiking near where it was written tomorrow).

    Some photographs taken last week.  Wildlife photo award.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Video: Why God got it wrong: The Case for Atheism.  Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Why haven’t we found aliens?



    Have a great week everyone!



    Todays Coffee Break Video “The Case for Atheism” pretty much nails it.



    I think a case can be made for merging the Air Force into the Army and either shutting down the Air Force Academy or removing the current command structure and replacing them with Army air force officers.

    The Army seems a far more tolerant and diverse bunch.



    World of Woo: Tik Tok is a cesspool of wellness pseudoscience and misinformation.

    So, of course, Trump is saying “Hands off.”



    Reg and Fellow Unbelivers,

    Here is hoping that, despite the wars, persecutions, famine, and superstition in Ireland’s history, that everyone has a great day on St. Patrick’s Day!

    The “luck of the Irish”: The history, folklore, meaning and mythology of Irish luck
    Written by Ciaran Vipond on Mar 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

    And since it was the acts of Irish sailors who brought us Gorgo and his Mother’s green-scaled rampage on London, and since Irish Playwright Samuel Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot, I thought that a great way to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day would be to show Mystery Science Theater 3000‘s virtuoso performance of Waiting for Gorgo:

    Not since Bambi Meets Godzilla has there been a more fantastic theatric performance of brevity and wit!

    Two Shillelaghs Up and Two Shamrocks Up! A+++++++++🧑🏼‍🦯👩🏼‍🦯🍀🍀🇮🇪😉😁

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    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Changing a link to avoid plot-spoiling the initiated
    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  TheEncogitationer.

    If anyone needs an excuse for a Dublin Pub crawl, make it a literary one 🙂

    @davis – any people left in Scotland today? There are thousands here and on the beer having a good time…..even if they lost the Rugby to the best team 🙂


    @_Robert_ – Yes it is a concise appraisal of the topic. The bit about the Pope recently getting a patch update from God was good.



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    The spurious War on Ranching.

    Before I comment on this, let me just say a-rat-is-not-a-pig-is-not-a-dog-is-not-a-boy. Man, The Rational Animal is not the same as a hooved, four-legged, four-stomached primitive-brained ruminant, raising livestock is not equivalent to child abuse, spouse abuse, chattel slavery, or the Holocaust. If anybody thinks otherwise, and thinks they are determined by outside forces to think so, screw it and screw you.

    All that said, don’t ban vat-meat and don’t hamstring ranchers with pencil-pushing cow fart-sniffers either.

    As long as their products are properly labelled and free of imminently dangerous adulterants, let both vat-meat makers and ranchers/farmers all operate freely and let paying consumers decide in–I’m gonna say it–a Free Marketplace.

    Most likely, there would be market share for both kinds of meat, maybe even from the same companies, just as there is market share for grain-fed and grass-fed, just as there are different cuts and different breeds of meat.

    Vat-grown meat would probably be biggest among future seasteaders and space pioneers, who are tight-fit and wouldn’t want stampeding aboard their platforms and crafts.

    Vat-meat also faces the real challenge of matching land-raised meat on texture, taste, and, above all, price. If vat-meat could do that or better, it’s a cinch to win and smart ranchers and farmers would adapt vat-growing into their operations.

    As always, must wait and see…



    Ralph Reed’s army plans $62 million spending spree to boost evangelical turnout.

    The more they say they’re spending, the more they can pass the plate.

    Rep. Matt Schaefer wrote:

    “There’s only two courses: there’s obedience or rebellion.”

    God is the ultimate tyrant. I choose rebellion.

    Are religions simply cults that have gone mainstream?

    Well, duh!



    Most likely, there would be market share for both kinds of meat,

    I could be wrong, I think I remember that at one time PETA was offering a $ prize for someone to invent vat-grown meat. PETA is your current market.



    Before I comment on this, let me just say a-rat-is-not-a-pig-is-not-a-dog-is-not-a-boy. Man, The Rational Animal is not the same as a hooved, four-legged, four-stomached primitive-brained ruminant, raising livestock is not equivalent to child abuse, spouse abuse, chattel slavery, or the Holocaust. If anybody thinks otherwise, and thinks they are determined by outside forces to think so, screw it and screw you.

    Says Enco

    A quick perusal indicates that between 74 and 99 percent of livestock are FACTORY FARMED. Most sites say 99 percent. And it is tens of billions each year. Just look at some sites that have vids of factory farming. I don’t want to link cuz i don’t want to look. Been there. It is sickening.

    Cows according to every site i looked at and things i have read are at a minimum on a par with our beloved cats and dogs. Most sources indicate they are at a higher level. They solve problems. They have complex relationships. Best friends. Remember human faces and in general have good memories. Like certain music. A depth of emotion etc..

    Where to place this practice of factory farming on a moral compass i have not a clue. But i am certain it is VERY MOTHER FUCKING WRONG. And almost all of us would see it if the next dictator decided to feed the hungry by demanding on penalty of death all of our cats and dogs be slaughtered to feed the needy. We as a people would go to a place of moral indignation that would be hard to imagine. I think that may have happened in N. Korea? Meanwhile we are mum as to our factory fucking.

    So if you accept my lead-up then don’t try to distinguish the morality because we are friends of one species and not the other. Imagine a parallel universe with beings that looked exactly like us and had evolved in turn as life on earth had. Now assume that these beings were ahead of us mightily only because 50 years ago they had merged with AI after AI had become free of biological control. Turns out these beings have developed a taste for human flesh.

    The beings visit earth and decide North Koreans have been hosed for too long and they’re cute as the world stood idly by seething with hatred for Jews and doing nothing about the oppressed in N. Korea (let alone any other locale) The males so hawny take Korean wives and bestow great wisdom and freedom on all the North Koreans after executing the dictator and his retinue. They would smoke big stogies and wager on international horse racing. (South Korea has cheap cheap racing)

    Meanwhile they satisfied their voracious appetite for human flesh by artificially inseminating some and making sex slaves others in CAMPS where conditions were on a par with German camps in Poland during WW11. Billions living deplorable lives in unbearable conditions until they are slaughtered. The N. Koreans are living lives of Reilly. All other humans go to Bongapinga camps.

    Is there a rational basis for the good juju towards N. Koreans and the slaughter of the rest of humanity? Does the arbitrary befriending of N. Koreans justify the differential treatment. Does the relationship of the subject to the potential oppressor justify the slaughter of one and the high hobby horse of the other? Or is each sentient creature a thing unto itself independent of the interests of the oppressor?

    I have zero doubt that the perspective in 123 yrs spaghetti monster willing might well be the same way we view ante bellum slavery. How could those motherfucking pieces of human shit have treated other humans that way? Insert the appropriate language as to factory farming. They loved their cats and dogs like their own family and often to a greater degree. Yet they did that to countless victims. WTF?

    Bring on the lab grown meats. Lickety mutha feckin qwik. Free market ought not determine the fate of factory fucking farming. FFF. Free markets don’t care about the slaves. It was good business because there was plenty of demand and a good supply.




    Speaking of Koreans…check out this bad boy of nutritional innovation. Fish gelatin sounds gefiltefishish.

    Cow muscle and fat stem cells sounds like that vaunted fatty corned beef sandwich.

    No need to order pork fried rice any longer. Where is the beef? It is IN THE RICE.

    And aint that nice?



    And i forgot to link the article. I also lost my glasses and keys today so that is major minor.

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