Sunday School
Sunday School March 31st 2024
This topic contains 23 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Strega 10 months, 2 weeks ago.
March 31, 2024 at 12:45 pm #53197
Hope you are enjoying Respawn Sunday! An abridged post as I am out hiking today.
How many Atheists are there in your State?
Trump has many bibles and churches can buy them as a way of donating money to his campaign. Not all Christians agree with his endorsement.
The chaplain who doesn’t believe in God.
Taliban Chief defends Islamic Criminal Justice System including stoning women.
Yes, our rights come from God: A needed lesson on America’s faith-infused founding.
Michele Bachmann is still spreading lies.
World of Woo: Mewing.
Environment: Human-driven climate change has ‘slowed the Earth’s rotation’.
Religious faith and commitment are adding kerosene to the bonfires of nationalism, militarism, and vengeance.
March 26th was National Science Appreciation Day.
A recently developed cancer vaccine for dogs could benefit humans.
A man who was capable of remembering everything.
Do extraordinary claims really require extraordinary evidence?
Long Reads: Narcissism and “the ever-present, neurotic need to be recognized and affirmed.” How to grow a human.
Some photographs taken last week.
While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……
Coffee Break Video: Despite Christian Nationalism, 80% of Americans say religion is “losing influence”. Questions from a Young Believer to AronRa. How Christians pretend they are being picked on.
March 31, 2024 at 12:49 pm #53199Have a great week!!
Yesterday, during a conversation about Easter and forgiveness with a few theist callers:
Reg, can I ask you a serious question?
Yes, please do.
For the record I did not find the comment about you calling tomorrow “Respawn Sunday” funny. In fact, I found it a somewhat offensive but I am prepared to forgive and forget.
That is very Christian of you. But please wait until I ask for your forgiveness. Don’t allow yourself to forget it before then.
I ‘m not sure why you would say that Reg.
Yes. What is the serious question?
How would you change the mind of a “so-called-Christian-fundamentalist”, like Empty Greene, as you called her? (MTG)
I am not sure if I could as fundamentalism is an integral feature of all religions and not some anomalous bug that can be coded out. But I would like to give her some magic mushrooms and drop her into the middle of the crowd of this concert and let everyone ask her why “You Hate”. People will forgive her if she repents.
March 31, 2024 at 3:20 pm #53200Have a great week!! Yesterday, during a conversation about Easter and forgiveness with a few theist callers: Reg, can I ask you a serious question? Yes, please do. For the record I did not find the comment about you calling tomorrow “Respawn Sunday” funny. In fact, I found it a somewhat offensive but I am prepared to forgive and forget. That is very Christian of you. But please wait until I ask for your forgiveness. Don’t allow yourself to forget it before then. I ‘m not sure why you would say that Reg. Yes. What is the serious question? How would you change the mind of a “so-called-Christian-fundamentalist”, like Empty Greene, as you called her? (MTG) I am not sure if I could as fundamentalism is an integral feature of all religions and not some anomalous bug that can be coded out. But I would like to give her some magic mushrooms and drop her into the middle of the crowd of this concert and let everyone ask her why “You Hate”. People will forgive her if she repents.
LOL. I was delighted this morning. I joined up with a rock band not knowing much about them. Well, I checked my FB page and saw the drummer in this new band had an Easter morning post that discussed how many different dying and rising gods people have conjured up. It’s the small victories that top off my tank.
March 31, 2024 at 3:20 pm #53201Reg,
“Respawn Sunday” is an excellent designation for Easter! And the “magical” mushroom treatment for Marjorie Taylor-Greene-Teeth is a fitting tie-in for the name!
🍄🤪Of course, I don’t think it would change her mind. “Magical” mushrooms a.k.a. Psylocybin, was no doubt how those who wrote of Moses, Daniel, Amos, Ezekiel, and St. John The Revelator got their visions. And as Jonathan Swift observed, you can’t reason people out of what they were never reasoned into in the first place.
The best I could say of Ms. Greene-Teeth is “Ich nich liebe Du! Du nich liebe Ich! Uh-Huh!. I don’t love you! You don’t love me! Uh-Huh! For you are completely ‘DaDaDa!'”
As for me on this day, I am not asking anyone to suffer or die on my account and I am damn sure not suffering and dying on anyone else’s account.
I am boiling some eggs, but instead of dyeing them, I’m using the eggshells to add minerals to my composter box for my house herbs and veggies and I’m using the shelled eggs to make some tuna salad.
The day after Easter, I will start a Dollar-cost averaging spree on chocolate, jelly beans, and Marshmallow Peeps, spending a fixed amount on these as they go down in price from 50 percent off, to 60, 75, and 90 percent off the retail price! By the end of the week, I’ll have enough candy to last a Type 2 Diabetic for years!
Just freeze and use later for any Hypoglycemic Chocolate-spelled-with-an-“S” Hits The Fan (SHTF) Scenario!
🍫🐥🐰😁Right now, I am watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 showing Hercules Unchained and at the end discussing Joseph Campbell and the human craving for the Phenomenology of Myths. Another fitting tie-in for the day!
Oh, and I will work later today and earn some extra money!
So as you can see, most definitely, I am keeping the “Ease” in “Easter!”
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TheEncogitationer. Reason: Editing and Addendum
This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling
This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling German, a chore unto itself
March 31, 2024 at 4:01 pm #53205“Empty Greene”? I call her “Soylent Greene.”
March 31, 2024 at 4:48 pm #53206Soylent Greene works so long as she has to listen to some Radiohead when her trip gets to the cartoon stage 🙂
Killing her ego would make her a better person.
March 31, 2024 at 4:52 pm #53207@_Robert_ – I stumbled this earlier – it may be of some interest to you.
March 31, 2024 at 4:54 pm #53208Reg and Fellow Unbelievers,
A recently developed cancer vaccine for dogs could benefit humans.
To reverse the movie title, it should happen to a dog 🐕…and a human🤕…And any PETA freaks and FDA pencil-pushers who stand in the way of this are sadists and ghouls🧟♀️💀…the lot of them!
March 31, 2024 at 5:09 pm #53209March 31, 2024 at 6:11 pm #53210Thanks Reg!!
March 31, 2024 at 10:44 pm #53212The news from Türkiye is looking good.
March 31, 2024 at 11:37 pm #53213Reg and Fellow Unbelievers,
I am so glad that Paul Ehrlich lost his bet with Julian Simon and The Population Bomb is slowing to a fizzle, because I wouldn’t eat Ms. Greene-Teeth (in any sense of the word “eat”) if she were the last person on Earth!
(And as for the double-entendre sense of “eat,” I would only do that with healthy, clickable, loveable people who love me back.😋 😁)
The source of my nickname for Ms. Greene-Teeth is the famous Charlie Daniels “Ballad of the Uneasy Rider.” She is Mr. Greene-Teeth in drag.😁 I’ve had near-run-ins like this, so I recommend to keep your tires, Fix-A-Flat, and tire tools ready:
This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
TheEncogitationer. Reason: Fixed a tsg
April 1, 2024 at 2:39 am #53215World of woo: Mewing:
I mew at my cat all the time, but I haven’t seen any change in my jaw-line. I haven’t seen any change in my cat’s misbehavore either.
So I’m trying hissing at him, but he doesn’t seem impressed. I can’t wait for AI to be used to learn cat language.April 1, 2024 at 1:22 pm #53220@_Robert_ – I stumbled this earlier – it may be of some interest to you.
Thanks Reg, cool stuff. I do use a pedal when I play bass. It actually gets it’s dsp algo’s downloaded from my iphone via audio DTMF via the bass guitar’s pickups. However, most of the demand for me is to play keyboards these days.
April 1, 2024 at 4:49 pm #53221@ Jake
We have made a lot of progress on learning animal language with prairie dogs shown to have a surprisingly strong language consisting of nouns and adjectives (verbs seemingly supplied by context).
In case you hadn’t noticed, I recently started a largely-ignored thread about the research showing that prairie dogs can and do talk to each other, mostly about potential threats.
It’s the most sophisticated animal language we know of so far. It may, indeed, be that cats have a sophisticated language as well, given that in that they have about 100 distinct vocalizations to work with (about 10 times that of dogs, BTW).
Of course, they are far less social than dogs or prairie dogs. Plus, vocalization isn’t the only way humans communicate and it may be the same with some species.
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