All And One

  • The problem really is that substances, addiction, and the variation in physiology is not understandable to people. If your body chemistry is doing what it can do at peace and you participate with knowledge at an apprecation/flourishing feeling there is no drug you can take that will cause you to feel something different (more than what you already…[Read more]

  • With Simon Paynton on the word tool:

    By this, I mean something we can use for our betterment or more flourishing.

    I agree completely about tools for particpating at floursihing and the word appreciating is also used by some. I can understand something about betterment when aware to better society where there are people not understanding their…[Read more]

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of Sunday SchoolSunday School 5 years, 2 months ago

    With Simon Paynton:

    I agree with you completely on understanding mysticism and would add that what is focused on be the interesting or sensible areas of mysticism. By tool do you mean a way to experience and know and say something necessary to someone when it is easy to do. Some people use this word tool as a weapon within sub groups like…[Read more]

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of Sunday SchoolSunday School 5 years, 2 months ago

    On Violence:

    Violence occurs in a less than positive demension. Demensions can, for some people, just be walked over to and there you are. It occurs with people and life of the environment back and forth. The big bang and what is just like it is violent. War is only one form of violence with terrorism, separation and integration also being…[Read more]

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of Sunday SchoolSunday School 5 years, 2 months ago

    Martin Seligman and “Mysticism into the area of positive psychology” by Simon Paynton who has good communication circumstances.

    Mysticism, christian and jewish is not interested in complete understanding by definition. To say that nothing is understandable completely, which is what mysticism does, is to opt of of peace and then as a…[Read more]

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of Sunday SchoolSunday School 5 years, 2 months ago

    It is good to be oriented to the highlights of subjects like positive psychology. I understand flourishing to mean participating in what can be added to which is already happening in some existence areas. Happiness is depended upon sadness and when acceptance is being had there is no more sadness and then no more happiness with an outcome that is…[Read more]

  • On morality and religious progressivism.

    People want to understand something completely and particiate in something continuable.  The interest is in appreciating our circumstance and being understood. People who are difficult are divorcing themselves from what can be continued and added to with this being necessary to move certain sights and…[Read more]

  • All And One's profile was updated 5 years, 2 months ago

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of ConsciousnessConsciousness 5 years, 2 months ago

    Consciousness continues with life having either the agreeable type or the separated type, disagreeable type. To see, understand sound, to contemplate and to experience is to have a consciousness at process places. People and life around continue to be conscious across process places based on what they agree to see, take in as sound, contemplate…[Read more]

  • All And One posted an update in the group Group logo of ConsciousnessConsciousness 5 years, 2 months ago

    Everything is conscious where it is interesting or necessary. This is how people and life around understand something to it. AI is laready conscious with what is knowable as separated circumstances. It’s interesting to understand about if you can “take” my language this time around. This is a good and continuable interest that can be added to.