Unseen replied to the topic Please remind me, why do we need pitbulls? in the forum Small Talk 3 years, 4 months ago
To be honest, many breeds should be banned for health reasons including many kinds of pugs which suffer terribly with respiratory and/or bone joints issues. It is grotesque that any human being kept breeding a dog that looked this kind of pathetic ugly cute despite fully well knowing it would lead to mass suffering and that selfish…
Autumn replied to the topic Sunday School 16th May 2021 in the forum Sunday School 3 years, 8 months ago
I have no problem with the genuinely “woke” when it comes to finding solutions to social inequities and removing any legal forms of discrimination. But the “virtue signalers” are a different breed. I will stir any pot just to set them off on a rant. Leave ’em to me.
I feel like that’s the tactical equivalen…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic Free Will Redux: A Question in the forum Theism 4 years, 1 month ago
Our “masters” think they have free will. Don’t tell them they don’t until after dinner. Are we all agreed?
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic What did Wittgenstein mean by saying that in the forum Science 4 years, 11 months ago
So causality has no ontological status…
The lack of a question mark at the end of the above sentence has caused me to consider ransacking a library. Wittgenstein and his sentences on the meaning of words!! If only I had some a priori information of the question would its effect be lessened or if not would it have caused a greater lesson?
JadeBlackOlive posted an update in the group Atheist Zone 6 years, 3 months ago
Men ask why women are so pissed off. Even guys with wives and daughters.
Jackson Katz, a prominent social researcher, illustrates why. He’s done it with hundreds of audiences.“I draw a line down the middle of a chalkboard, sketching a male symbol on one side and a female symbol on the other.
Then I ask just the men: What steps do you guys take,…[Read more]
PopeBeanie posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Sunday School December 3rd 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 1 month ago
This is fabulous, a bit of honesty, we need to break eggs. “I’ll be big spoon” lol
Philosophy is always better with fat beats.
Noel replied to the topic Spiritual atheist. in the forum Atheism 9 years, 5 months ago
I experience a sense of awe and wonder every night when I walk the dog and look up at the night sky. I experience it when I contemplate the vastness of the cosmos, the smallness of an atom, the power of an atom, the amazing mechanisms that make us humans, the mechanics of the human eye. I experience emotion’s akin to elation and euphoria when I…[Read more]
Gallup's Mirror replied to the topic So Long and Thanks for all the Fish in the forum Theism 9 years, 5 months ago
Strega wrote:@bellerose hey! We don’t all use you! Well, we use your posts to cheer ourselves up because they’re great :). Let it go, honey.
Strega is right, Belle. I appreciate who you are and I enjoy your posts. A lot of us do.
SteveInCO replied to the topic What if? in the forum Science 9 years, 5 months ago
And here’s the irony…New Frontiers sent back more data on Jupiter (and had far and away the best camera ever sent there) than it will for Pluto, because near Jupiter it was able to transmit much faster, and it could therefore flush its memory buffer and refill it a few times. Pluto is roughly seven times as far away as Jupiter (the ratio is…[Read more]
Kirk LeFou posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
If god wanted us to believe in him, then he would have existed.
Mike Long replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
@Bob – I don’t believe in magic sky zombies. That would be silly.
Of course. You just “believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very G…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Hello from Northern Denmark in the forum Introductions 9 years, 6 months ago
Marianne wrote:Yo, Lars. I’m glad to see other Scandinavians here. My impression is that we are too content with status quo. The fact that Norway even has a Christian Party that holds seats in Parliament is a blight upon our democracy.
If I read Wiki right, they have 5.5% of the seats. One of the effects of a proportional representation s…[Read more]
Strega replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
@Davis. Madeira has great bananas
Paul Ryan replied to the topic Free anything never mind free will in the forum Atheism 9 years, 6 months ago
I see lots of stuff written about it, but where is any concise definition of Free Will? I can only think of a few sources from which one can draw any potentially credible definition or conclusions, and unfortunately, those sources cannot agree.
Christian: It’s a divine gift that incurs personal responsibility and accountability.
Philosopher:…[Read more]
Simon Mathews replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
@DrBob, if the bible is just one book out of thousands why not take the good bits of out it, put them in a new book and ditch the wretched thing. You’d think Christians would want to do this to stop silly atheists like us quoting all the nasty bits. And yet the bible is retained as some kind of special tome. You can’t argue surely that most…[Read more]
Simon Mathews replied to the topic Connections in the forum Atheism 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Pam, I think changing attitudes to homosexuality and more atheists sticking their heads above the parapet are related. As the world becomes more connected and less parochial minority groups benefit. There is less opportunity for those desperate to maintain the status quo to silence those they consider weird or different.
I’m always shocked when I find out what women have to go through from random men on a routine basis.
Yes, we feel targeted from the day we’re born, pretty much.
“we feel targeted from the day we’re born, pretty much.”
Hi Jade, can I quote you on my web page on Patriarchy?
Of course! Its the truth.
I’ve put the quote just underneath the video near the bottom of the page. What do you think of the video? Do you think it’s appropriate?
Yes, its fine, & I did not like the video at all.
Good points, thanks for your thoughtful reply, and personal perspective.
I was watching CNN about Jeff Flake about how he may have changed his mind about FBI investigation when he met 2 women who were previous victims of abuse in the…[Read more]
Yes, that was all over our news.
Denial of women’s issues is still a huge problem.
Its not just women. Men within the lgtbq+ community often face sexual harassment, assault, stalking, domestic violence and general objectification from other lgrbq+
The worst response to this is to deny it happens. The second worst response is “you are attacking me and accusing me of being a rapist when you point out its prevalence amongst l…[Read more]
Jade.. extremely nice method for opening up the eyes of those who don’t know about fear and abuse…nor see, experience but are prone to deny, underestimate or downplay the abuse. Thanks for sharing.
Men comprise by far the majority of the criminal population. I personally believe it’s “natural” (via evolution) for men to be more aggresive, and that’s why we see so many chauvanistic men revolt against the changing times. Even some women believe they’re put on earth to please men.
If my assessment of humanity sound insensitive, it’s because I…[Read more]
Big changes are needed, & that includes male dominant religions, workplaces, etc.