DrBob replied to the topic Random Number Questions in the forum Small Talk 7 years, 3 months ago
@Unseen, I’m stuck on the “frittering away my last days on Earth” comment you made. Is something up? If so, I’m very sorry to hear it.
1) It depends what you mean by “truly random”. I believe the mathematicians have a very specific definition for that; indeed I believe there are several different classifications of randomness. For ord…[Read more]
DrBob started the topic So Long and Thanks for all the Fish in the forum Theism 9 years, 4 months ago
I blundered into the ThinkAtheist site a couple of years back when Google sent me there during the election of Pope Francis, and I have appreciated the many thoughtful, and spirited members who have both taken me to task and engaged respectfully with me in the intervening time.
With the change of site ownership, I note that the Guidelines have…[Read more]
DrBob joined the group Bookish atheists 9 years, 4 months ago
Winter Lily and DrBob are now friends 9 years, 4 months ago
DrBob and Simon Mathews are now friends 9 years, 4 months ago
DrBob joined the group TA Oldies but Goodies 9 years, 4 months ago
DrBob replied to the topic The outing game in the forum To Do or not To Do 9 years, 5 months ago
I agree. Once you take a public position that makes a moral judgment, your morals become open to scrutiny.
Are we sure we want to say that’s OK?
So a politician who takes a moral stand against, say, predatory banking … it’s OK to smear her for an affair? Or even for having had investments in AIG or Citibank?
In that case, why would…[Read more]
DrBob joined the group To Do or not To Do 9 years, 5 months ago
DrBob replied to the topic So, I am atheist. in the forum Introductions 9 years, 5 months ago
@Simon, as a theist it makes me angry. WTH?
Now, I can appreciate it when the employer is a religious entity or one where they are trying to express a particular free-speech message, and the example provided by the employee is not consistent with that message. An atheist Sunday School teacher (with the notable exception of @Reg and his…[Read more]
DrBob replied to the topic So, I am atheist. in the forum Introductions 9 years, 5 months ago
On the very first day of catechism, the nun teaching our class told us that snakes used to have legs, walked upright, and talked.
Hello @BeckyL. Pleased to meet you. My apologies for the idiotic catechism instructor, but good job in thinking for yourself.
DrBob replied to the topic Is theism evil? in the forum Theism 9 years, 5 months ago
Hullo @Kuba.
That was well thought out, thank you.
I would, however, disagree with your claim that an overwhelming majority of the 6+ billion theists in the world are aggressive, hostile, evil, etc. I think with a few moments of examination you will recognize that such a claim is unsupportable. From my experience as a theist, the vast…[Read more]
DrBob replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 5 months ago
the horrors of the Church and it’s past, child raping priests, woman hating, fag hating, slavery approving, light thought control, brutal thought policing religion … the very idea as presented to us is so preposterous, so ridiculous, so incredibly stupid and moronic that it should not be taken seriously for even a moment. Should we pay any a…
DrBob replied to the topic Austerity has failed. An open letter from Piketty to Merkel in the forum Politics 9 years, 5 months ago
I confess I am mystified by the action of the EU. I’m in agreement with Krugman. The evidence is irrefutable. Keynes was right, austerity doesn’t work. With each successive austerity measure the economy of Greece has shrunk further into Depression, resulting in lower revenues and the need for even more austerity.
By contrast, Iceland simply…[Read more]
DrBob replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 5 months ago
You know, when I was down in Louisiana, I discovered the people there do not call it the “American Civil War”. They call it the “War of Northern Aggression”.
Every time I run into this I respond “Oh, you mean the War to End Wicked Southern Human Rights Abuses? Somehow saying ‘Civil War’ just seems more civil…”
DrBob replied to the topic My problem…is youtube in the forum Advice 9 years, 5 months ago
Whats the point of starting a youtube…I cant right now anyway cause parents…I doubt I will be as good as the others and frankly most of the stuff…has been dunked and talked about already…what could I possibly add? It’s the same here..I dont really post or join forums much…because I dont…really…feel like I could add anything…im not special..im n…
DrBob replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 5 months ago
Says who, @DrBob ? This is an atheist website and all our atheist members are free to be as unfair and irrational as they like.
LOL. Well, that’s true. And as I have said in this thread and on multiple occasions on the old TA site, I am completely understanding of folks who just want or need to vent. If I lived in the Bible Belt of the…[Read more]
Strega and DrBob are now friends 9 years, 5 months ago
DrBob replied to the topic Free anything never mind free will in the forum Atheism 9 years, 5 months ago
if you’re a Christian who believes you’ve been given free will, aren’t you still often faced with a dilemma of never being sure of “what God wants”?
DrBob replied to the topic Might the predictions of climate change be wrong? Or do you believe on faith! in the forum Science 9 years, 5 months ago
First, let’s dispense with the nonsense over the term “model”. The climate deniers squalk about “it’s just a model” the way evolution deniers squalk about “it’s just a theory”. Modeling is how we do science. It’s part of the “scientific method” if you like that terminology. You can’t reject the process of theorizing or modeling without denying…[Read more]
DrBob replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 5 months ago
@Davis, by contrast on the other side, I see a few forum regulars who are difficult to engage with productively because their positions aren’t consistently rational or well-informed.
So, for example:
If you quote their particularily foul lines in their scriptures in addition to pointing out contradictions, extremely questionable wisdom or…
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