Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
@ Anybody here Explain to me how developing unique terms to supplant the familiar ones is inclusive rather than divisive.
It’s not a unique term. The terms Latina and Latino exist as the masculine and feminine forms prior to the creation of Latinx and Latine. Both ‘Latinx’ and ‘Latine’ were patterned off of pre-existing language…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
Prejudiced old slimeball.
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
If honest mistakes with any pronoun ‘triggers’ someone to become angry, my new pronoun for them is the adjective “asshole”.
‘Asshole’ is a proper noun. This is also weirdly thin-skinned of you*.
*edit: the comment in this thread. I mean, if this were the subject of the conversation or a thing that was actually happening to you,…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
Singling people out strikes me as less inclusive than using one term for all. Or, maybe we should go in the other direction to be even more granularly inclusive.
I am not sure what you mean. ‘Latine’ doesn’t single people out any more than ‘Latino’.
A term for elderly queers…
Pretty sure the number of terms to describe the…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
You pronounce Latinx to rhyme with “sphinx,” right?
I believe it’s pronounced as the letter ‘X’ as you would in x-ray.
We should do what we often do: default to the male term. We use “man” to represent mankind.
That’s what is currently done and one of the reasons people want to do away with defaulting to Latino. One of the other r…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
Piece of Sunshine!
Purveyor of shade with paucity of sensibility.
Thank you ever so much Autumn!
No problem.
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
I am not too excited about POC.
Well, what’s important in all this is how it makes you feel. I will spread the word.
Groups can go with whatever handle they like. I propose POD for Muslims. People of death. And the funny thing is i think a lot of Muslims would take it and run with it.
Was the other thread not enough for you? Is…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Use of the term People of Color (POC) in the forum Small Talk 1 year, 1 month ago
PopeBeanie wrote:
On a related note, boosted now by the House out to Cancel the Executive Branch’s use of a word. I had no clue that use of the term LatinX was yet another propagandanismistic (sp) tactic of Woke Culture.Pretty confident it wasn’t. There was just a divide between how different Spanish-speaking groups around the world approached c…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
That does not describe my views at all.
I’m talking about your pattern of thinking. It’s really not that fucking complicated of a point. You can not possibly be this obtuse.
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
While I am obviously making fun of you, there is a part of me that wonders how much you have swallowed the Flavor-Aid of American exceptionalism, not in defence of American foreign and military policy, specifically, but in distorted notions of what constitutes ‘self-defence’, the legitimization of occupation and interference, and…
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
Act 5 Scene 3 Autumn: Typical cultist response. God damn colonialist mindvirus. Jake: In high dudgeon did she bludgeon. guffaw Close curtains
Nah. If you’re going to keep up with the ‘death cult’ nonsense, those are the rules of the game we’ll play by. You don’t have arguments. You don’t have a position. You don’t even have…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
Autumn there was a withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 that forced Israelis out of there.
They were supposed to be out in the 90s, and Gaza was pretty much immediately subject to blockades. But you’re still missing the point. Less occupation is still occupation. Again, as outsiders, it’s going to be easier for us to accept that Israel…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
Misleading. My point is that there is no respite from the onslaught. Okay, brief periods without being attacked wholesale, just intermittent rockets and terrorist attack.
There is no respite from the occupation. None. Ever. While we, as outsiders, can accept that Israel is a done deal and that Palestinians will eventually all…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
…can fail to contemplate what it is like to deal with people who are trying to ruin you…
That’s the very point we’re making to you. The difference between Palestine and Israel is that Israel is succeeding.
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
No argument from you just a denial. Ok well lets see. Overwhelming majority of Germans in a cult of personality to Hitler. Won over by what exactly?
Hitler came to power with minority support. Support and opposition were based on numerous factors. Anti-semitism was one, but if you’re under the impression that German society was…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
Wow have you mischaracterized my positions. Remember what i wrote? Throw a Jewish baby in a Palestinian home and they grow up to have identical sentiments.
I do remember what you wrote which is why I make the statement. It’s such a simplistic, bullshit narrative that explains away complex reactions to oppression as blind…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
Autumn wrote: Stop. Using. Us. As. A. Shield. For. YOUR. Bigotry. The west does not give a flying fuck about making life better for trans and gay Palestinians. That’s not why Israel gets backing. That’s not why the death tolls in Gaza are so high. Just fucking stop it, especially coming from a fucking American. Who or what is…
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
And yet the west gives it license to continue to oppress. How many women? Gays? Transgenders? Children? other impure? are fucked over by the cult?
Stop. Using. Us. As. A. Shield. For. YOUR. Bigotry. The west does not give a flying fuck about making life better for trans and gay Palestinians. That’s not why Israel gets backing.…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
You know Canadians would be aghast and support the apprehension and elimination of such a hypothetical group.
A couple decades change people very fast. Russians are very sympathetic to the barbaric behaviour of Russian troops. Being a mostly white western people doesn’t make them inherently “civilised”.
Realistically, Canadian minds…[Read more]
Autumn replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 1 year, 1 month ago
War is hell. The failure of humans to do anything to change the trajectory of history is reprehensible. The inevitable dehumanization of the enemy is an aspect of war that is unavoidable until wars end which will be the last day of civilization.
The thing is, we here on this side of the pond aren’t in this war. We’re third-party…[Read more]
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