physeter replied to the topic Marriage for immigration purposes in the forum Advice 7 years, 5 months ago
You do know a good proportion of the world’s population would desire to live in the USA right?
Maybe before 11-9 they did.
physeter replied to the topic Marriage for immigration purposes in the forum Advice 7 years, 5 months ago
If I get papers to become a citizen of west Africa can they be used for anywhere in Africa?
There is no such country as “West Africa.” There are dozens of nations in just the western part of the continent alone. And I can assure you they are all different nations; they aren’t under one giant umbrella where you can freely travel from one place to…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic I believe there's no rhinoceros in my coat closet in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
You won’t hear a Christian discarding their label, because that would amount to blasphemy, or denial of the faith. Therein lies a rather large difference that cannot be ignored.
Heh. Some Christians do try to get …. shall we say flexible with that label, you know. Haven’t you ever heard one say I’m not religious! It’s a relationship, not a r…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic I believe there's no rhinoceros in my coat closet in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
@davis: I’m not lying! I’m being honest. I don’t feel like anyone has given me an answer that is both serious and tangible.
Davis is one of the people who did give you a tangible answer. I guess you decided his answer wasn’t serious–which is odd, because I got the impression that if any of those things happened they would seriously cause Davis…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic I believe there's no rhinoceros in my coat closet in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
Because no one including you has answered my question. What evidence would convince you? If subjective evidence is never going to be enough what objective evidence are you looking for exactly? I asked that months ago and I haven’t gotten a straight answer from people but it’s a serious question.
Belle, you are lying about what happened. I read thr…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic What if I had been with progressive Christians instead of conservatives? in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
After my visit to a liberal church today, I think I might know what would have happened. I might have never become an atheist.
I’ve told you how I grew up Mennonite, went to Mennonite college, and then was a Mennonite missionary before ultimately concluding my god wasn’t real. Mennonites are so varied. Some are much more liberal, and some are…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 27th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
What do I mean by contradiction? I mean one minute you seem to acknowledge that your conversion was driven by what you needed, not by external evidence; but the next minute you seem to believe evidence is there for ALL of us to see, and we just must be willfully ignoring it.
You say, “… I can’t capture him like a butterfly and put him under a m…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 27th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
I don’t know what to say, Belle. You know? We can argue all week long about evidence for and against a god, but I’m just really sorry that the secular organizations didn’t back you up the way you needed. I’m sorry you were let down, and I hope your church supports you better than the atheists did.
I feel like your making two very separate, almost…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic What if I had been with progressive Christians instead of conservatives? in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
Strega it was a long process. I had to spend four years at a non-fundamentalist Christian college challenging my views in a non-threatening way. I questioned everything I thought I knew, and I really struggled with how I could “hear god’s voice” and how to trust my intellect without being “deceived by Satan.”
I was a missionary in Africa after…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 27th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
I might suggest that the arguments against a god are the same because all the arguments for god are also the same, and the same old arguments work best–but I think I’d be missing your point.
I hear what you’re saying here–like a group bitching about their asshole ex over and over? Yuck. Who wants to be part of that? Maybe that’s why I left the…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 27th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
In the Bible: miracle = seas literally part before you
Later in the Bible: Gideon asks for sign = multiple impossible things physically happen.
New testament: miracle = walking on liquid water as if it were solid.
Miracle today: A database designed to find information did in fact find the information it was asked to find.My my, it’s like we’re…[Read more]
physeter started the topic What if I had been with progressive Christians instead of conservatives? in the forum Theism 7 years, 5 months ago
After that “Nashville Statement”, a friend pointed me to Rachel Held Evans’s very effective essay of Christian history, titled “The Bible was ‘clear’…”
You know, I’m happy overall being an atheist, I think it’s the most accurate worldview for the world we are living in. It’s not without its hardships though. And sometimes–often, really–I think…[Read more]
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 20th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
Some great comments on that Catholic one. 🙂
Posted by Gerald Moore on Friday, Aug, 25, 2017 2:41 PM (EDT):
It is legitimate to argue that most persons are predisposed to theism because of their family circumstances and evidence shows that there geographical location is a fairly reliable determinant of which god they believe in. Where does that… -
physeter replied to the topic
Sunday School August 27th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
These are the “sort of men” that Jesus condemned? Like, a long time ago? Way back in the distant past? You know, I was told once that Jesus was still alive. If Jesus is alive, he could have condemned THIS man, here, and now, instead of hiring the man to work for his own frucking organization. You know, if he was alive and not just a myth.
And…[Read more]
physeter joined the group
Sunday School 7 years, 5 months ago
physeter replied to the topic Has Trump retrained Americans to think everything is true till proven false? in the forum Small Talk 7 years, 6 months ago
“Has Trump retrained Americans to think everything is true till proven false?”
What a silly question. Trump has been in politics for what, 10 years or less? FAITH has been attacking reason and teaching people to twist their logic in knots in order to believe what they want to believe for at least 2,000 years.
How many apologetics arguments do…[Read more]