Active 6 years, 3 months ago-
private posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Many of the (read more) links don’t work.
private replied to the topic Cat abuse by diet-obsessed snowflakes in the forum Small Talk 6 years, 7 months ago
Vegetarian here, who liberally slathers her darling kitty with cute little rabbits (gasp!) and chickies. Well, my Sabrina (who is a muscular cat with a very thick coat) IS DEFINITELY a carnivore. I also make certain that her cat food is high protein, grain-free and rich in taurines. The nasty commercial stuff is loaded with grains.
I don’t…[Read more]
private replied to the topic Christofascism in senior residences in the forum Small Talk 6 years, 7 months ago
@Davis and ALL who have answered my post. Thank you for your concern and perceptive viewpoints. I will NOT advocate for change. I will not be co-opted into the joke of building a kinder, gentler Ebola. If I could burn the whole rotten system down (metaphorically speaking) and replace it with something clean, I would. Since I cannot, I…[Read more]
private started the topic Christofascism in senior residences in the forum Small Talk 6 years, 7 months ago
I am 86 and not a christian. The evangelical busybodies who are in the majority in this senior residential (federally assisted) complex are making life miserable for me.
They evidently gave my phone number to the minister of their nearby church. That minister made a hate phonecall to me. He told me that I am going to hell because I don’t…[Read more]
private posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago
I don’t know how to post. Nothing seems to work. How do I start a topic?
private posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago
Uh, yes … it’s breathes there a SOUL so dead, etc. But being atheist I took a little creative license and left the soul part out. Ahem.
private posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago
Daniel, the Austin bomber looked like such a nice young man. However he clearly had no mentor such as yourself to help open his mind. I think he killed from boredom and a lack of beauty and highmindedness in his life. History of course is the vehicle transmitting such values. Home schooling and religion and business courses were I think the…[Read more]
Uh, yes … it’s breathes there a SOUL so dead, etc. But being atheist I took a little creative license and left the soul part out. Ahem.
Thank you Private. Nice words – I think you give me too much credit, but you encourage me to say more none the less. We all need people to pull open the dusty curtains of our closed worlds and let in the bright sunshine knowledge, reason, critical thinking, and the desire to learn.
private replied to the topic Having Pets in the forum Small Talk 6 years, 10 months ago
Black widow spiders are my phobia, since one bit me, also since they overran the place I long ago rented.
I have a lovely rescue cat (Sabrina) who looks like a little girl polar bear (chunky and muscular with super thick snowy white fur). She is more like a dog than a cat, very smart, eager to please, teases and plays rough, however very cuddly…[Read more]
private replied to the topic
Sunday School March 11th 2018 in the forum Sunday School 6 years, 11 months ago
@ Daniel: You’re so right. I’ve had all sorts of doctors. But I’m a romantic. I remember what Mr. Rogers said. He said, “Look for the helpers. They will be there.” Eventually they are. I say that even after I have just washed my hands of another not-so-great medical person. I just keep on keeping on until I find another real helper.…[Read more]
private replied to the topic Shooting, Killing, Murder!!! in the forum Politics 6 years, 12 months ago
Um, no. This person was not your orphan/victim type. He and his brother were adopted by an ultra-rich couple of folks who indulged Cruz. As he informed the cops, the poor little guy is inheriting $800,000 at age 22 from mommy’s estate. His attorney will no doubt be living quite well in the meantime. Do you really think that this person, a…[Read more]
private posted an update in the group
Atheist Cats 7 years, 3 months ago
On October 23rd I finally overcame my cowardice and got another rescue cat (why do they always die too soon?). OMG! This one is a pistol, a snowball with pink ears, a dive-bomber and toe-biter, only one year old and guilty of terminal cuteness. Already I am fearing the loss of this beautiful creature who, unaccountably, seems to love me a whole…[Read more]
That’s so sweet, Private! I think that cats are usually fairly indestructible, because they’re mostly mongrels. My mum just had a little long-haired white cat move in, she just came in lost out of nowhere, and for the first year she was there, she was the happiest cat you’ve ever seen. Apparently she has Maine Coon because she is very friendly…[Read more]
private posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Sorry about your cat, Gregg.
private changed their profile picture 7 years, 4 months ago
private replied to the topic
Sunday School September 24th 2017 in the forum Sunday School 7 years, 4 months ago
@Belle … Yep. Anti-intellectualism is “breaking bad” in your home area. Our children in California are a little safer (but only for a while) because this state controls/creates its own textbooks. The rest of the country pretty much gets its books from the only other supplier, Texas (obviously tainted by fundamentalist doctrines). Unf…[Read more]
private started the topic
The Three-Body Problem (sci-fi) in the forum Bookish atheists 7 years, 4 months ago
This is a trilogy, written by Cixin Liu, an author “beloved” by Chinese readers. I found it seriously nerdy at times (well, I am a technopeasant). Did me good to exercise a few brain cells. Reminded me of Isaac Asimov due to the affection and depth of the way this author dealt with sensitive human problems. Hint: space is much more dang…[Read more]
private replied to the topic
Genius of P.G. Wodehouse in the forum Bookish atheists 7 years, 4 months ago
@Belle ….. It can happen to any of us unwary ones. I only accidentally stumbled on Laurie doing Wooster on TV. By the way, none of us deserves to live if we let this bookish forum die.
private posted an update in the group
To Do or not To Do 7 years, 5 months ago
I’m still relishing Strega’s visual of Arnie the Terminator, with you know who slung over his shoulder, vacating the scene of the crosses to avoid 2,000 more years of “your shit”.
private joined the group
To Do or not To Do 7 years, 5 months ago
private joined the group
Bookish atheists 7 years, 6 months ago
private posted an update in the group
Atheist Cats 7 years, 7 months ago
Not a good week. Had to put down my darling little rescue cat, with whom I had only two years. Inflammatory bowel disease is a bummer. She also had PTSD, which stressed her immune system. Best cat ever.
However, I also have a relationship with a wild bird, off-and-on during the winter when the tree outside my window loses its leaves, and…[Read more]
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Go to the group that you want to start the topic in, choose forums, there should be a form at the bottom of the page to use. You will need to be a member of the group first I believe.
Thanks Simon. (For new readers, you can also just post to a Forum without joining a Group… see those menus at the top of any page.)
Thanks PopeBeanie! That’s very true.
Many of the (read more) links don’t work.