Active 9 years, 3 months ago-
SteveInCO replied to the topic strange message in the forum Small Talk 9 years, 5 months ago
One would think the moron would give up eventually. Yeesh.
SteveInCO replied to the topic Links take me to in the forum Small Talk 9 years, 6 months ago
T|A had 10.000 or so members… but very few of them were still active. (I know most of my Friends list is full of people who haven’t been around in years.) You won’t get all ten thousand.
I realize you probably weren’t thinking that, but I thought it ought to be stated explicitly.
How many still active people from the old site…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Is Atheism considered a "worldview?" in the forum Atheism 9 years, 6 months ago
For what it’s worth, I’ve never been angry at god, not even as a fictional character (I’ve read other fiction where I’ve been furious with one of the characters; methinks the author did a better job there), and I do live in an area where god-bothering is quite prevalent.
I’ve been pissed off as hell at some of “his” followers though. So maybe I…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Am I the first one to arrive at the party? I've brought snacks…. in the forum Introductions 9 years, 6 months ago
Well part of the issue is software developers of late have been fond of creating buttons that don’t actually look like buttons…a word or a doodle (that may or may not convey useful information about what it’s for) without a border drawn around it.
SteveInCO replied to the topic Am I the first one to arrive at the party? I've brought snacks…. in the forum Introductions 9 years, 6 months ago
Whatever it is, I am sure the cracker will end up with plenty of transfats.
SteveInCO replied to the topic I never saw this coming. in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
I was raised atheist myself, but what I was exposed to was a crude stereotype of Christianity. Not that some Christians don’t talk exactly like the stereotype, but others do not, and they can sound quite reasonable.
My brother got sucked in for various reasons, and it took him thirty years to find his way back out again, after suffering enormous…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic What if? in the forum Science 9 years, 6 months ago
The truly appalling thing is that every comment on the YouTube page is written on the assumption that it’s a fake.
SteveInCO replied to the topic Bigotry in my family in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
Stutz wrote:I also try to be gentle about it because it implies that if I’m right, they won’t see their own parents again, ever, and I know that’s a great comfort to them to believe that. So, so sad and childish, but a great comfort nonetheless.
Well, that’s one load I don’t have to deal with. Whether or not the Christians are right, I won’t…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Bigotry in my family in the forum Advice 9 years, 6 months ago
An excellent read… unfortunately, it won’t solve your problem.
Unless it helps to know your situation is appallingly common.
SteveInCO replied to the topic Spiritual atheist. in the forum Atheism 9 years, 6 months ago
Strega wrote:
Honestly Simon, if you took one set of tarot cards and did hideous disrespectful things to themI couldn’t help but be reminded of the time PZ Meyers desecrated a communion wafer (the person who obtained it had already received threats from outraged Catholics). Interestingly, half of the outraged comments regarding the descration…[Read more]
SteveInCO and
Rebel are now friends 9 years, 6 months ago
SteveInCO replied to the topic
Making the @ symbol work in your post in the forum Tips 9 years, 6 months ago
I’m glad I made both of my names the same then.
If one gets mentioned a lot AND manages to read almost everything new anyway, the e-mails are pointless and can be shut off by clicking on your name in the upper right and going to settings->email. (However, I don’t get any of the other emails I left enabled, either.)
SteveInCO replied to the topic Saw this poster at the local Baptist church… in the forum Theism 9 years, 6 months ago
If there is one thing that is absolutely certain, it is that Christianity has changed, and so has its conception of Jesus. Also true of Judaism, whose conception of Yahweh has changed considerably.
SteveInCO joined the group
Tips 9 years, 6 months ago
SteveInCO replied to the topic I found this lets discuss. in the forum Science 9 years, 6 months ago
Unseen wrote: Also, law can define things differently from biology.
I would say law must operate with different concepts from those biology uses; its purpose is very different. That leaves one with two options: come up with separate words for the different concepts, or use the same word for concepts that are similar.
Actually, biology uses…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Spiritual atheist. in the forum Atheism 9 years, 6 months ago
Davis wrote:
As simon pointed out…this really does border on the magic (like holy water or prayers beamed up from your mind to God).By “Simon” here I assume you mean Mr. Matthews!
Who’da thunk we’d have two people with an uncommon name like Simon in the same place at the same time?
And yes, I’d like to see Simon (Paynton’s) answer to your q…[Read more]
SteveInCO replied to the topic Who says we're the only ones with compassion for other species? in the forum Small Talk 9 years, 6 months ago
Even turning it into a frigging saltine would be an improvement. Dare I hope for a triscuit?
SteveInCO replied to the topic Who says we're the only ones with compassion for other species? in the forum Small Talk 9 years, 6 months ago
Ones one of the moderators sees this, they’ll change it.
SteveInCO replied to the topic Is my cat thinking symbolically? in the forum Science 9 years, 6 months ago
SteveInCO wrote:
Why don’t you just ask her, like maybe in sign language? Or bring her something by mouth, in return.Uhh… no I didn’t. Try the guy in the Vatican. 🙂
SteveInCO replied to the topic Is my cat thinking symbolically? in the forum Science 9 years, 6 months ago
I used to own cats that I would play with by picking a stalk of prairie grass and moving the head back and forth on the ground, giving them an animate “mouse” to pounce on. One time I was with them and one of them kept leaping on the grass stalks, then looking at me. Seemed like a pretty clear request. Of course, it was a feline, therefore it…[Read more]
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