Active 1 week, 4 days ago-
_Robert_ replied to the topic Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Together Again…And Against Us! in the forum Politics 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Normalcy as in he is not a complete megalomaniac madman who is totally incapable of ever actually conceding a lost election. Sure, Biden’s comprehension of the Islamic mentality IS normal and typical for liberals. He cannot even conceive the depths of iron-age depravity that plagues the followers of Mohammed. I see the Dutch have elected a…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic Is the absence of chaos among the inner planets, apart of fine tuning? in the forum Science 1 year, 4 months ago
In this perspective, Gould suggested that science and religion should be viewed as two separate domains (or “magisteria”) with distinct areas of teaching authority – hence the term “non-overlapping.” According to Gould, science’s domain is the empirical realm, including the theory of evolution and all other aspects of the universe that we can obse…
jakelafort replied to the topic Why Atheists Need Guns in the forum Politics 2 years, 3 months ago
Were it not for the right to bare arms in the second amendment of the US Constitution we might miss out on Naked and Afraid. Damn prudes would censor or sense our concupiscence. So whether contestants have guns or firearms we see them in their birthday suits. It is all protected eternally and is credited to immutable god-given rights. Arms are…[Read more]
TheEncogitationer replied to the topic Sunday School December 13th 2020 in the forum Sunday School 3 years, 9 months ago
If Cambridge or any other university needs to make any rule on “respect,” it should be that anyone who cannot spell the word “respect” without coaching from Aretha Franklin does not deserve respect. Prima Facie, Ipso Facto, A Priori.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic Sunday School 25th October 2020. in the forum Sunday School 3 years, 10 months ago
Unseen – if the problem was on a tablet then make sure nothing is stuck on the touchscreen. If on a laptop then update the touch-pad drivers, even if a mouse is attached.