Hello from Egypt

Homepage Forums Introductions Hello from Egypt

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi guys I am Mohamed Fouad from Egypt. I am a financial analyst work and live in Cairo, Egypt. I use my father’s name instead of mine because my name is so popular and uncomfortable to use. I used to be a Muslim but not anymore, I am an atheist for almost 5 years now and trying hard to live and somehow fit in an anti-atheism typical Middle Eastern society.



    Hi welcome to Atheist Zone – I hope you find the group you are looking for here ๐Ÿ™‚



    I’ll second that. I hope you find this a good online “home.”

    Atheists living in Islamic societies today have the toughest row to hoe, given that those cultures haven’t given up the notion that unbelievers need to be put to death. (Not saying that Christianity hasn’t done so, but today they mostly ignore the stuff talking about it in the book.)



    Thanks Strega and Steveln for the lovely welcome. I hope too to find an online home. Meanwhile, let’s try to find a way to deal with their imaginary friend Allah ๐Ÿ™‚



    Hey Fouad. What will happen to you if they find out? Are you taking a risk by posting in this forum?



    Thanks Strega and Steveln for the lovely welcome. I hope too to find an online home. Meanwhile, letโ€™s try to find a way to deal with their imaginary friend Allah

    I’m not in the least bit worried about Allah. I’m worried about his followers.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  SteveInCO.


    Not really Paul as long as I stay low I will do just fine. Mostly Facebook, twitter and YouTube Arabic accounts are tracked websites and forums are not noticed in Middle East.


    Gallup’s Mirror

    Welcome, Fouad.

    If you don’t mind the question: what would happen if you were discovered as an atheist and apostate?



    First there is a social punishment and this what I am having now, most of the people I know (family and co-workers) have rejected me they do not talk to me or deal with me. For atheists that go public any Muslim can simply drag him to the court of law and accuse him with contumely Islam (yes, this is a crime in the Egyptian law) because their imaginary friend Allah cannot speak for himself or defend himself so they do it for him.

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