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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  JadeBlackOlive 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #2921


    The move to this hosting site, I believe, was a major mistake as there are other much more friendly hosting sites. Why couldn’t TA have moved to somewhere like MyBB where forums like TTA landed?

    Someone please explain the reasoning’s for moving to somewhere so unfriendly.

    I’m waiting but don’t really expect a reply. And speaking of which where can one register complaints?



    MyBB is a forum software. TA is a social networking site. We need a platform that has features like media and groups.



    come on man, not this nonsensical site layout. The black one was so nice.




    MyBB is a forum software. TA is a social networking site. We need a platform that has features like media and groups.

    As Colonel Potter of M*A*S*H would say “Mule Muffens”.

    If this is a social networking site it may be I should be excommunicated. I have no use for “Social Networking Sites”, I even shitcanned FB as it seems to me all you see on it is “friends”, hundreds of them with little or no content. I also don’t use twitter or any of the others. I think Trumps use of Twitter(?) is a prefect case of the utter uselessness of social networking sites and why I stay away from them.

    I thought TA was a site where atheists and religious people could come to “discuss” their differences as other atheists sites do. I believe you are going to loose members to this nonsense (my belief,not a categorical statement).

    Apparently you (or someone) had to or someone decided, arbitrarily, to move to a different format. As I recall I posted regularly to TA, but here, not so sure. I will, probably, check it once in a while but not regularly like I did at TA. If someone decides to ban me I am not sure it would be much of a loss for me. There are still a number of atheist forums I am a member of, so I’ll be looking at them more often.

    Again, in my opinion, social sites are the (expletive(s) deleted) of humanity (choose your own expletive(s)).

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by  guestr.


    I have no use for “Social Networking Sites”

    I feel the same as you about FB etc, but TA/Ning is a social networking site. The question becomes “which feature(s)” are most desired. (As for myself, they’re probably big screen, full page features, which I should make a list of when I have access to a desktop. One of them for sure is its dark theme, especially at night, but that’s a personal preference.)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by  PopeBeanie. Reason: botched escape character "\"


    I had my page fixed up so nicely against the black, & I’ll miss that, but more importantly, I don’t like anything about this site…..I can’t do anything here. I’m not seeing other people commenting…..other than this particular page. I don’t see where I can post articles, unless I’m just not looking in the right place, but I really don’t know about staying here.



    Oh, & I hate fakebook!

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