Every day, I kneel to the six-string altar of the guitar. As I play it, the tones, chords, and melodies are soothing and uplifting. Over a short amount of time, I feel better.
It works great for me.
Of course, if I were to tell everyone that they HAD to learn guitar, that they HAD to do it every day, and that this way was the ONLY way, then I’d be completely and utterly WRONG. People find their own ways through life.
Some people choose the pre-packaged spirituality, complete with an invisible being who is watching to make sure they’re doing it right, and to punish them if they mess up. It’s ready-to-use spirituality that comes in the form of modern religion. That’s the kind of spirituality that you can purchase. It is the ultimately convenience. Just declare that you believe, hand over 10%, and POOF! You’re “saved.”
Pre-packaged spirituality comes in different flavors to appeal to different people. That’s why there are over 50,000 brands of Christianity available for purchase. That’s not even counting the other religions.
But other people need to find their own path. They need to work within themselves to find that something. They see the convenient packages purchased by others as being hollow and vapid.
When I play music, I do feel something. I wouldn’t call it a “god” or connect it to anything commercially-available for purchase. It’s just something that speaks to me. It’s for me, and nobody else.
For me, music is as close as it gets to anything “spiritual” in nature.