Women get the shaft by FIFA

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jason 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    The plight of women in sports:

    “…FIFA paid the winning women’s team a $2 million prize, which is four times less than the $8 million it pays men’s teams that lose in the first round. The total payout for the Women’s World Cup this year is $15 million, while FIFA awarded a total of $576 million to men’s teams in the World Cup last year.”

    Read lots more here.



    Is the women’s World Cup as popular as the men’s? I’m guessing the men’s world cup has such a vastly larger prize pool because it has a vastly larger advertisement revenue. This is the first year I’ve even heard of the FIFA women’s world cup, is it the first year it has been around? That would certainly explain the popularity difference.

    Personally, I’d rather watch women run around in shorts than men… but then again, I’d rather play video games.



    I grew up hearing things like “no offense, I’m all for equal rights ‘n stuff, but women who play football is just ugly.” or “Women’s football isn’t nearly as interesting or exciting as regular football.” “Regular footbal”.. Yeah.. I know…

    But THIS year it all seems different. Now the “women’s world cup” is suddenly referred to simply as “the world cup”. I am loving this! Not that I care about it. I’m bi, and neither men nor women playing football look particularly interesting to me.

    Let’s assume football players in action have sex appeal… One should think that most football supporters would be women. But the majority are men. I guess there would have been more female supporters were they shirtless. Hmm.. I’m sure the psyche of the football supporter has been scientifically delved into, but I know little more.

    So I’m with Matt. Gimme a hand controller and a pixel dagger to stab things with.



    @matt – The Women’s World Cup just had the largest audience for a soccer match in US history. It was just as exciting as men’s soccer with a lot less immature behavior.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  Unseen.


    I believe FIFA is undergoing some controversies in the men’s football division now. One of which is the 5 Nepali footballers charged with treason, discrimination in Russia and so on. I would like to see how women’s division would progress.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  jason.
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