Christian kiiled by native islanders

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    It’s all over the news….

    What an selfish, arrogant fool, putting all those people at risk for disease.



    He deliberately did something he was not supposed to do, dragged others into taking him there which caused their arrests, & paid the price of defying everything. Yes, a young man is dead, but I have no sympathy.


    To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…….

    Well, he did suffer the arrows for allowing his outrageous delusion trespass where it was not wanted. I am sure he will become a martyr to those persecuted Christians back home. And now he is not to be anymore..

    It should be noted that the recent lifting of restrictions on tourism in the area may have contributed to situation. Of course those restrictions were not changed by the island dwellers and obviously Jesus did not care about him.



    When I was young I remember meeting a lot of these super positive, up with jesus Christians. I was a natural skeptic who loved science. I also loved goth rock and wore dark clothes and probably seemed depressed. I drew these happy, shiny young Christians like moths to a flame during my University stint. They looked at me with puppy dog eyes and had their new testament all book-marked up. I was a confused catholic refugee coming to terms with 12 years of attempted brainwashing. I was guilt ridden because I never could do what was required. This went on till my thirties. All that wasted energy. In retrospect, these minister types were abhorrent enough for me to start doubting to whole thing. In a way I am glad that these evangelicals tried to get to me. The inspired me to become an atheist. Six months before my life-long catholic mother died she called me up and said “Bobby, you are right it is all bullshit”. I was so proud of her.


    “catholic refugee” . I am going to borrow the term as I address the concerns of an almost ex-Catholic later today. “Almost” in the sense that he still thinks “But there has to be a god or how else….“? Just one more step to take to become a citizen in the Land of Reason and to leave the superstitions of the Dark Ages dominionists behind.

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