Edinburgh Fringe

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Davis 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    So…it has always been a huge dream of mine to go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. On a normal year there are 3000 different productions going on (not the number of actual performances but 3000 unique productions) in three weeks. Theatre, comedy, musical theatre, experimental performance art etc. They have them throughout the commonwealth and I had my most amazing theatre experiences at fringe festivals but Edinburgh is the mothership of them and this is the first time I get to go!

    Per COVID, there are only 150 productions this year. Honestly, that is STILL A LOT. How could anyone even see all of those? How could anyone even chose when there are 3000 performances? I have already been to see four plays.

    One was a bizarre interpretation of Jane Eyre, with three actors holding up mannequins and screaming stuff that seemed to have nothing to do with the play. Odd. Interesting but odd.

    Another was a one man show about an ex-soldier with PTSD. Very moving.

    The third was so strange and incomprehensible we got up and left after 10 minutes.

    The most recent one I saw, was on the topic of the degradation of memory (and at one point atheism and the afterlife) through and interview with the main actors grandmother who had Alzheimer’s, original music, lighting effects and short lectures about how the mind works. Was one of the most moving things I’ve ever seen.

    Have tickets to three more shows over the next two weeks, two of them an annual favourite at the Fringe. I am extremely excited to see either something amazing and the lottery of not knowing that it is spectacular or so bad you just get up and leave and have a drink at a Scottish bar.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  Davis.


    I’d like to hear how the next ones turn out. I got too angry and depressed today about how humans can be so cruel or allow cruelty to exist. Meanwhile, I think that telling stories and acting them out is one of the most connecting and redeeming qualities of humans.



    Hahaha. Yeah I saw another one, absolute off the wall insanity. “Drown Your Sorrows!” Hilarious and very creative story about four guys who own a bar and their original adventures. My friend laughed the whole way through and the audience went wild.

    I’m going to see a Sherlock Holmes play on the weekend that has had very good reviews. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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